The following finance classes are available from January 2023 through June 2023 and are open to any person interested in learning more about Cornell accounting/finance policies.
The following finance classes are available from September 2022 through December 2022. Classes are open to anyone interested in learning more about Cornell's accounting and finance policies.
At the April 7 DFA Conversations event, updates were shared about some changes that have been implemented in Concur and the upcoming implementation of the new Concur user interface, scheduled for July 29, 2022.
The following finance classes are available from January 2022 through June 2022 and are open to any person interested in learning more about Cornell accounting/finance, payroll, and procurement policies.
Expenses that are not explicitly stated as reimbursable are considered not reimbursable. Also see Reimbursable Expenses.
Expenses to be charged to sponsored funds must also be allocable and allowable under the terms of the award. If you have questions about what is allowed on a sponsored account, contact Sponsored Financial Services.
Some travelers may have had to cancel flight reservations due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Many airlines are allowing travelers impacted by the health crisis to change or cancel tickets without a fee, and some airlines are allowing tickets to be transferred to other travelers.
The University Policy Office announces the issuance of the new interim University Policy 3.2, Travel Expenses. This policy replaces the previous policies 3.2, Travel Expenses and 3.3, Travel Expenses for Concur Users.
Beginning in late April or early May 2020, SAP Concur will release a new version of its mobile app (v. 9.79). To prioritize resources and increase security, with this release Concur will only support the current and six earlier versions of the app at any given time.