Cornell has selected DailyPay/Wisely EWA to provide earned wage access (EWA) services to eligible Cornell employees.
This optional service allows you to receive an advance of funds from DailyPay/Wisely based on a percentage of estimated earned wages before your typical payday. Read more about the Two Service Options and see How It Works below for more details.
The services described here are available to Cornell employees who earn less than $200,000 per year. It is not available for student employees.
Which service you choose depends on how and how often you want to receive funds. Both options provide a mobile app: DailyPay and myWisely. The apps are available for download on iOS and Android mobile devices from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
You cannot use both services simultaneously, but if you want to use either service, you must first enroll in DailyPay and then opt to use Wisely if you prefer that option. You cannot enroll in Wisely without activating your DailyPay account.
If you would like to enroll, visit the DailyPay webpage specific to Cornell.
Once enrolled as a DailyPay customer, you can request an advance based on your available transfer balance. You can request an advance multiple times each week to your bank account, debit card, or prepaid card. You must have a bank account, debit card, or prepaid card to enroll with DailyPay.
This option requires that your net pay be direct deposited into the account you provide to DailyPay as your preferred direct deposit location. You can change where it’s deposited in the DailyPay app.
At the end of the pay period, DailyPay deposits your net pay, minus any advances taken during the pay period, into the account you specify.
You can use the DailyPay app to manage your account, view your balance, and request transfers.
As a DailyPay customer, DailyPay's partnership with Wisely lets you request an advance transfer based on your available transfer balance with one no-fee instant transfer each week to a Wisely debit card or Wisely account.
You do not need a bank account or a credit check to use this service. The card works like any other debit card. You can use it for purchases in stores and online.
This option requires that your net pay be direct deposited into your Wisely debit card or Wisely account.
You can use the myWisely mobile app to view your balance and make changes to your account.
At the end of the pay period, DailyPay/Wisely deposits your net pay, minus any advances taken during the pay period, into your Wisely debit card or account.
If you decide to cancel or switch from Wisely to DailyPay, you can cancel it when your account balance is $0. In your myWisely account settings, toggle the Earned Wage Access from on to off. Your cancelation will be completed at the beginning of the next pay period.
For questions, technical support, or to deactivate your DailyPay or Wisely account, contact the respective support team.
Normally, you see your compensation and paystubs in Workday and receive a paycheck at standard intervals: biweekly for non-exempt hourly employees or semimonthly for exempt salaried employees. If you choose to enroll in either service, Cornell will still process payroll according to its Pay Calendars, and you will continue to see your paystubs in Workday, but your payment elections in Workday will change. See Direct Deposit and Paper Checks below.
As we do with many of our third-party service providers, Cornell has negotiated a contract with DailyPay/Wisely that specifies Cornell will share only the data necessary to enable eligible employees the option to enroll in and have immediate access to the EWA services.
Using this service does not affect the amount or timing of benefit deductions or taxes withheld from your paycheck. DailyPay/Wisely does not receive information about your benefit deductions or tax withholding, only your estimated earned net pay for use in determining the amount of advance funds made available to you. The payroll process and your paycheck are still operated and processed by Cornell on a biweekly or semimonthly basis.
If you have set up direct deposit in Workday, when you enroll in DailyPay/Wisely, your payment elections will automatically (not instantly) change to a DailyPay/Wisely account with Wells Fargo. In place of your banking information, you will see the Wells Fargo banking information. You cannot change this information in Workday. If you choose to unenroll in DailyPay/Wisely, DailyPay will update your personal direct deposit details in Workday to the banking information you used with your DailyPay account, and you will be able to change it thereafter.
If you opt to use only DailyPay, you must enter direct deposit details in the DailyPay app. When payroll is processed, Cornell will direct your paycheck amount to the DailyPay Wells Fargo account. DailyPay will deposit your net pay, minus any advances taken during the pay period, into the account you specify.
With Wisely, your net pay will be deposited onto a Wisely Visa debit card, minus any advance funds taken during the pay period.
If you currently receive paper checks, you will no longer receive them if you enroll in either service option. When enrolling for DailyPay/Wisely services, you must either provide your banking information to DailyPay for direct deposit purposes or accept your Cornell paycheck on a Wisely debit card (which you can use without a bank account). See Direct Deposit above.
DailyPay determines the estimated earned net pay available for use as a percentage of your regular compensation and hours worked to date during the pay period. This amount is based on hours entered into Workday for non-exempt employees, or on base salary for exempt employees. DailyPay calculates how much of that estimated amount is available for use, minus any advance funds you have already taken during that period.
Cornell continues to process payroll and pay employees on a biweekly or semimonthly basis. DailyPay/Wisely deposits your net pay, minus any advances taken during the pay period, into your account.
Missing or inaccurate timekeeping will prevent hours from being recognized by DailyPay/Wisely, and access to funds through their services may be delayed as a result.
The available transfer balance in your DailyPay account will fluctuate. Here’s how that process works in the DailyPay app: