Transfers allow the university to move funds between two or more accounts. From an individual account perspective, transfers have a similar effect as revenues (transfers in) or expenses (transfers out), but from an institutional perspective, transfers do not represent "real" revenues or expenses, and must net to zero.
Since transfers are only for moving university funds, they cannot be used in External Organization (EO) accounts, which we may hold or manage for an organization, but are not university funds. There are also special considerations that need to be made when transferring funds between fund groups – certain funding cannot be comingled with other types of funding.
To support proper management and reporting of accounts and programs, expenses should be reflected in the appropriate account (representing the purpose for which they were incurred). Transfers are intended to move funding, not expenses, so funds should be transferred into an account (to cover expenditures), rather than expenses moved out. There are three primary exceptions to this rule:
Transfers can only be done in KFS on a Transfer of Funds e-doc, and only using transfer object codes. The proper transfer object codes to use are determined primarily by the fund and/or sub-fund group codes of the accounts involved in each side of the transfer. It can be confusing! It helps to think about one side of the transfer at a time. If you were looking at only one of the accounts, the proper transfer object code should provide you with useful information on where the funds came from (if the account received funds) or where the funds were sent to (if the account provided the funding) WITHOUT looking at the entire transaction (i.e., both sides of the transfer).
Transfer Object Codes Cheat Sheet (XLSX)
Typically, funds that are moved around an individual college or division are within the same fund group. For example, you might need to move funds from a dean's account to a department account, both of which fall within the GN fund group. On occasion, gift funds may be distributed to another department to use (assuming the use complies with donor restrictions), so the transfer occurs between accounts in the RG fund group.
A special set of transfer codes is used, always together, for this type of activity. Similar to how all transfers must net to zero on an institutional level, using these object codes enable a college or division to net this activity together (to zero), as it does not represent either resources flowing into or out of the college/division.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7070 | Transfer In - Intrafund | Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same fund group (i.e., GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 8070. |
8070 | Transfer Out - Intrafund | Used in the account providing funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same fund group (i.e., GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 7070. |
Example: The Ivy Room dining facility is sponsoring a special event for seniors. The Class Councils programming board would like to provide $500 towards this event. Both the Ivy Room and the Class Councils are in the same division (Division of Student & Academic Services), and both accounts are in the same fund (GN fund group).
If the transfer is between accounts in different fund groups, regardless of whether the accounts are in the same or different colleges/divisions, then these object codes should not be used. See Other Transfers Used by Colleges and Divisions below.
When colleges or divisions collaborate with each other to provide multidisciplinary programs, funding is often transferred to support these activities. Generally speaking, the funds use for this type of activity fall within the same fund group. In order to provide a simple way to determine whether the transfers represent additional resources for or use of resources by the college/division, a separate pair of transfer codes is used to distinguish this activity from that described above.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7075 | Transfer In - Intrafund- Between Units | Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same fund group (i.e., GN to GN, RG to RG) and in a different college or division. This object code must always be used with 8075. |
8075 | Transfer Out - Intrafund- Between Units | Used in the account providing funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same fund group (i.e., GN to GN, RG to RG) and in a different college or division. This object code must always be used with 7075. |
Example: The Johnson Graduate School of Management (JGSM) Career Office is helping to fund a "Careers in Business" symposium sponsored by the Applied Economics and Management (AEM) department in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). Both the Career Office and the AEM accounts are in the same fund (GN fund group), but they are in different colleges: one is in JGSM, and one is in CALS.
If the transfer is between accounts in different fund groups, regardless of whether the accounts are in the same or different colleges/divisions, then these object codes should not be used. See Other Transfers Used by Colleges and Divisions below.
Reserves are savings accounts used by units to accumulate funds for a future purpose. It is very important for management to be able to determine how much money their organization has been able to "put away" each year, so a series of transfer codes are used to record this specific activity. Usually, object code 7000 (Transfer In - from Current Operating) is used for the credit side (transfer in) of these transactions.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
8040 | Transfer Out - to Renewal & Replacement | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a renewal and replacement reserve (RVREPL) account. |
8041 | Transfer Out - to Capital Reserve | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a capital reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
8045 | Transfer Out - to General Reserves | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a general reserve (RVGENL) account. |
8046 | Transfer Out - to Faculty Renewal Resrv | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a faculty renewal reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
8056 | Transfer Out - to Contingency | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a faculty renewal reserve (RVSTRA-CONTIN) account. |
8057 | Transfer Out - to Capital Long Term | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a faculty renewal reserve (RVSTRA-CAPTLT) account. |
It is just as important for management to know how much of their current year operations have been funded by using accumulated reserves. When reserves are used, the debit (transfer out) in the reserve account would be on object code 8000 (Transfer Out - to Current Operating).
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7040 | Transfer In - from Renewal & Replacement | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a renewal and replacement reserve (RVREPL) account. (renewal and replacement reserves may also provide funding for a capital project.) |
7045 | Transfer In - from General Reserves | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a general reserve (RVGENL) account. (Also used when a general reserve provides funding for a capital project or is transferred to an FFE.) |
7046 | Transfer In - from Faculty Renewal Resrv | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a faculty renewal reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
7056 | Transfer In - from Contingency | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a faculty renewal reserve (RVSTRA-CONTIN) account. |
7057 | Transfer In - from Capital Long Term | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a faculty renewal reserve (RVSTRA-CAPTLT) account. |
Object code 3059 is also used in reserve accounts as part of the Year-End Closing account reversion process.
In some ways, a fund functioning as endowment (FFE) is similar to a reserve account, except that the funds are invested in the Long-Term Investment Pool (LTIP). It could be compared to investing some of your savings in a Certificate of Deposit (CD) at the bank – the money is invested and earning income; however, the availability of the funds is limited for a period of time (see Investing in the Long-Term Investment Pool for more information). Like reserves, management keeps track of when operating funds are placed into or pulled out of FFEs. Within the FFE, the transfer codes used should indicate that the funds are either going into or coming from an operating account (see Other Transfers Used by Colleges and Divisions below).
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7030 | Transfer In - from FFE | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). Reminder: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
8030 | Transfer Out - to FFE | Used in the operating account providing funds to a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). Reminder: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Collaboration between departments on the Ithaca Campus and at Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) is common. Because WCMC has its own financial system, special transfer codes are used to pass funding through a "due to/due from WCMC" account set up on the Ithaca general ledger (KFS). The two transfer codes below are not used as a pair, so a different transfer code, usually either object code 7000 (Transfer In - from Current Operating) or object code 8000 (Transfer Out - to Current Operating), is needed as the "other side" of the transaction.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7050 | Transfer In - from Medical College | Used in the operating account receiving funds from Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
8050 | Transfer Out - to Medical College | Used in the operating account providing funds to Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
The following transfer codes are used frequently as the "other side" of a special transfer (e.g., to/from reserves, to/from project accounts, etc.).
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7000 | Transfer In - from Current Operating | Used in the account receiving funds when transferring from an operating account (fund GN or RG). If accounts on both sides of transfer are in the same fund group, 707x/807x may be a better choice. Reminder: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
8000 | Transfer Out - to Current Operating | Used in the account providing funds to an operating account (fund GN or RG). If accounts on both sides of transfer are in the same fund group, 707x/807x may be a better choice. Reminder: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Some colleges have elected to emphasize the funding of faculty start-up accounts by using the following:
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
8055 | Transfer Out - to Faculty Start-up | Used in the operating account (fund GN or RG) providing funds to another operating account specifically set up hold a faculty member's start-up funding. |
As part of the new budget model, the following pairs of transfer codes have been set up specifically to record the allocations and charges between the central accounts and the colleges/divisions.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7090 | Transfer In - Provost-Univ Support Pool | BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of the University Support Pool. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8090. |
8090 | Transfer Out - Provost-Univ Support Pool | BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of the University Support Pool. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 7090. |
7095 | Transfer In - Provost-Subvention | BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8095. |
8095 | Transfer Out - Provost-Subvention | BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 7095. |
Funding for capital projects may come from a variety of sources. The transfer in codes used in the project account should tell the story of where the funding for the project is coming from.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7000 | Transfer In - from Current Operating | Used in the account receiving funds when transferring from an operating account (fund GN or RG). If accounts on both sides of transfer are in the same fund, 707x/807x may be a better choice. Reminder: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
7005 | Transfer In - from Debt Service | DFS USE ONLY. Used when a capital project is funded by an internal loan. |
7025 | Transfer In - from Sponsored | DFS USE ONLY. Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a sponsored contract or grant (CGxxxx) account. |
7041 | Transfer In - from Capital Reserve | Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a capital reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
7042 | Transfer In - from Project Gifts | Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a plant gift (PLGIFT) account. |
The debit side of this transfer would be as follows:
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
8035 | Transfer Out - to Capital Projects/CIP | Used in either an operating or a reserve account that is providing funds for a capital project (PLCIP). |
Capital projects are sometimes charged an “assessment” (e.g., Transportation Assessment) by a university department. In this scenario, the project would record a transfer out, and Transportation would record the transfer in on the following transfer code:
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7065 | Transfer In - from Capital Projects | FACILITIES/DFS USE ONLY. Used in the account receiving funds from a capital project (PLCIP) account. |
If a college/division financed a portion of a capital (or other) project with debt (i.e., internal loan), then payments are made during the term of that obligation. These payments are processed as transfer from the college/division to the internal loan account using the following transfer code:
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
8005 | Transfer Out - to Debt Service | Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. |
Year-end closing activities include account reversion, whereby the ending balance of an account reverts to another account, as specified by the college/division. KFS uses a special object code (on both sides) for this transaction.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
3059 | Tfer from - Year End Closing | SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used by KFS for account reversions. |
There are a few other object codes used by DFS or Alumni Affairs & Development (AA&D) to transfer funds between donor-related or invested accounts.
Object Code | Object Code Name | Description |
7015 | Transfer In - from Trust | AA&D/DFS USE ONLY. Used in the account receiving funds from a trust account |
7020 | Transfer In - from True Endowment | DFS USE ONLY |
7060 | Prior Year Gift Adj only-MUST EQUAL 0 | AA&D/DFS USE ONLY. Used to transfer prior year gifts from one account to another. The restriction class on the account must be the same. This object code is used on both sides of the transaction with the net effect to the current year being zero. |
7080 | Transfer In - DFS ONLY-Between RestClass | DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between accounts with different restriction classifications. Must be used with 8080. |
8020 | Transfer Out - to True Endowment | AA&D/DFS USE ONLY. Used in trust or CU Foundation accounts when funds are designated for a true endowment. |
8080 | Transfer Out - DFS ONLY-Between RestClas | DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between accounts with different restriction classifications. Must be used with 7080. |
8808 | Transfer in/out LTIP INV Earning-DFS ONLY | DFS USE ONLY. Transfer code for LTIP investment earnings. This code should be used on both the transfer in and transfer out. Object code will always net to zero. |