Be proactive in partnering with the department/unit; be responsive to all requests; and communicate regularly with key staff.
Communicate training opportunities or provide training for previous or upcoming changes in SSC or institutional policies or procedures, as necessary or requested
Adhere to university policies and procedures at all times – including ensuring separation of duties, appropriate transaction authority, retention of records, and timely completion of documentation
Have backup procedures in place to provide seamless communications and service to department/unit in cases of planned and unplanned absences of primary support team members
Department/Unit Responsibilities
Be proactive in partnering with SSC; be responsive to all requests; and communicate the service level agreement (SLA) to all key staff members
Follow established university and SSC policies and procedures
Identify individual(s) to fill the "department contact" role for communications
Identify individuals who are Authorized Requesters for services
Ensures stability, quality, and timeliness of processed transactions
Develops a knowledge of customer operations to allow for development of value-added services specific to unit needs
Identifies opportunities for process improvements for customers as well as for the institution
Assists with providing budget and financial reporting support
Approves transactions up to $500 (payment requests); $10K (procurement cards)
Financial Service Associate (FSA)
Monitors daily workflow, quality, and timeliness of transaction processing
Assists with career development/staff excellence by providing opportunities in preperation for advancement to a formal supervisory role
Develops an intimate knowledge of customer operations to allow for development of value-added services specific to unit needs
Identifies opportunities for process improvements and develops and implements reports and/or processes aimed at increased effectiveness and efficiency, not only at the customer and center level, but also at the institutional level
Provides support for annual operating budgets, financial reporting, and oversight and analyses (based on the service level agreement)
Reviews reports for unused airline tickets and unidentified cash receipts
Approves transactions up to $25K
Financial Service Lead (FSL)
Supervises FTRs and FSAs
Ensures that the work gets done, standards are met, but – more/as importantly – they are alert with every internal and external process and procedure – always looking at it critically and determining ways it can be done better; where we can reduce steps, change policy, etc.
Streamlines/re-engineers transaction processing for/within their teams and for their customers (vertical orientation) for promulgation across all teams and our customer base (horizontal orientation), and then – where applicable – to other centers (institutionally)
Develops an intimate knowledge of customer operations to allow for development of value-added services specific to unit needs
Identifies opportunities for process improvement and develops and implements processes aimed at increasing effectiveness and efficiency, not only at the customer and center level, but also at the institutional level
Reviews cell phone usage reports and identifies opportunities for cost savings
Monitors executive travel for compliance
Develops and monitors internal weekly metrics
Approves higher-dollar transactions
Supervises FSLs
Performs strategic leadership and planning
Develops an intimate knowledge of customer operations to allow for development of value-added services specific to unit needs
Identifies opportunities for process improvement and develops and implements processes aimed at increasing effectiveness and efficiency, not only at the customer and center level, but also at the institutional level
Monitors internal monthly metrics
Approves the highest-dollar financial transactions