Looking for another way to get paid?
You can now receive your paycheck with using a pay card! If you don't have a bank account, this is an excellent alternative to paper checks. Get more information on the Pay Cards page.
Cornell employees may sign up to have their paychecks automatically deposited into their bank accounts. Having earnings direct-deposited has several advantages over handling paper paychecks:
- Checks will not be lost in the mail or misplaced
- Pay will be received on payday, even while on vacation or out sick
- Checks will never become part of New York State's abandoned property under the "Abandoned Property Law"
Employees can now manage direct deposit enrollment through Workday: workday.cornell.edu.
Follow these instructions (PDF, 297 KB) for setting up direct deposit and stopping or changing your payment or bank elections.
If you need to use the paper form, contact Payroll.
- Employees electing to receive direct deposit will also have their primary account sent to Accounts Payable for travel reimbursements.
- Due to processing and pre-notification times, it may take up to two paycheck cycles before funds begin being direct-deposited. During this time, paychecks will continue to be mailed to the address on file.
- Deposits can only be made to U.S. banks.
- Participating in direct deposit is voluntary and is not a condition of employment. You may withdraw your consent at any time.
- Please consult the online payroll calendar, to determine on what pay period your payment election update will fall.
- You should plan to have your elections submitted by the Campus Deadline (Close of Business) date, to ensure that it will be included in that pay period.