Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200) is the regulation that replaces OMB Circulars A-21, A-110, and A-133, and it starts to become effective on December 26, 2014.
The Uniform Guidance contains the following sections:
Section 200.305(b)(3) indicates that payments to subawardees must be made within 30 days, unless the invoice is believed to be improper (e.g., deliverables have not been made, invoice does not meet the requirements of the sub-award). Previously there was no standard for payment. Please make sure that invoices are reviewed and disbursement voucher (DV) e-docs are prepared and approved, so that the check/ACH is issued within 30 days of invoice receipt. It is important to retain documentation of any invoice problems or deliverables to substantiate a delayed payment, and this should be noted in the DV. Please work with the Office of Sponsored Programs or Sponsored Financial Services, as appropriate, where problems exist with sub-awardees.
Section 200.461(b)(3) permits expenses for project related publications (e.g., page charges) after the period of performance. However, these charges must be liquidated (i.e., shown as spent on the project account) prior to the project closeout. In practical terms, this limits the applicability of this option to the 60 days following most awards (30 days for most sub-awards).