Cornell Procurement Services (Procurement) reports to the executive director of financial administration and is led by the senior director of procurement services.
Procurement provides a number of services to assist Cornell units with efficiently making purchases that are cost-effective and beneficial for the university, the economy, and the environment. Services provided by Procurement include vendor registration, contract review, managing purchase transactions, and strategic sourcing. In addition, we provide innovative shopping tools (e-SHOP), spend analysis tools (Spend Viz), and management of credit card programs to name a few. Procurement also offers several training opportunities to help staff members learn about the procurement process at Cornell and how to process purchases in line with university policy, using the tools available.
To ensure flexibility, efficiency, and a high level of customer service, Procurement is configured into three functional teams: Campus Services, Supplier Services, and Payment Services. The functional team responsibilities are defined in the table below.
Campus Services | Supplier Services | Payment Services |
This funciton now resides in the Shared Services Center.
Procurement Services staff members possess a unique blend of business and technical skills required to purchase goods, supplies, equipment, and services, including the following:
Purchasing and strategic sourcing agents are responsible for all aspects of their assigned commodities, including customer and supplier relationship management; spend analysis and contracting initiatives; purchase order review and approval of transactions greater than the university bid limit; and problem resolution. For more information about each agent, see our Contact page.