University Policy 3.25, Procurement of Goods and Services supports the appropriate stewardship of Cornell’s assets by establishing best practices for procuring goods and services that comply with applicable laws and regulations, university policies, and sound and ethical business management. The Buying Manual, a supplement to University Policy 3.25, provides detailed procedures and best practices required to comply with the policy. The university expects individuals making purchases to follow the principles referenced in the policy and the procedures prescribed in the university’s official Buying Manual.
For additional KFS procedures, see the KFS Guides.
203: Added definition for incentive or recognition payments for committee participation.
307: Clarified process for paying deposits for catering or event space rental on SSC pcard.
700: Defined limited-engagement services. Clarified process for paying deposits for catering or event space rental on SSC pcard.
203: University Relations revisions to the donation approval process. Contracts for services moved to purchase order (performers without equipment, writers, editors, and indexers). Clarification on magazines and book purchases, periodical subscriptions, and publication fees, publication services, and printing services.
302: Removed facility addendum reference from Event Space Rental explanation. Removed prohibition for medical services.
307: Removed guest and visitor travel from SSC pcard. Modified catering and event space rental in accordance with Section 700. Update donations in accordance with University Relations guidelines.
352: Clarified purchase order issuance for hotel room blocks.
409: Added delegation of signature authority to SSC Procure-to-Pay director and managers (and SCL director of SCL procurement and sourcing) for work-for-hire addendums for videographers, writers, editors, and indexers for purchase orders below $25,000. Removed signature authority delegation for unique contracts for services.
612: Updated department name from Student to Campus Activities Office.
620: Corrected “license” to “certificate of need.”
630: Added instruction not to fully pre-fund Tango accounts for e-gift card payments. Specified that Tango accounts may not be funded with a credit card payment.
700: The specific contracts for services have been eliminated, a purchase order with a quote or scope of work is required.
Specified that all transcription services require a purchase order and IT Professional Services Agreement.
Specified that software and database subscriptions require a purchase order and may require an IT Statement of Need.
Clarified that all payments made to Cornell students performing services outside of the U.S. require iCertis contract administrator review.
301: Added $5,000 pcard eligibility for Student and Campus Life’s Procurement and Sourcing and Finance units.
302: Review detailed description of prohibited transactions:
Cash Advances: Explicitly prohibited using Venmo and CashApp.
Catering: Clarified catering services are not allowed on individual procurement cards.
Event Space Rental: Contract review is required for event space rental except for pavilion rental in a City of Ithaca, Tompkins County, or New York State park.
Parking Fees, Permits, Road Tolls: Explicitly defined parking fee exceptions for incoming visitors.
Software, Software Licenses, Software as a Service, Cloud Services: Clearly defined steps in purchasing process and how to determine when pcard is an appropriate payment method.
Watercraft rental and Cruise or Boat Fair: Explicitly prohibited on procurement card.
303, 308: Corrected typographical errors.
305: Added a link to the Request a Procurement Card Application form.
306: Removed the requirement for SFG approval of pcard applications and revocations.
307: Defined approval necessary for exception requests and corrected requirements for vendor contract review and approval.
352: Clarified the allowed and prohibited uses for Travel and Meal cards.
612: Updated by University Relations. Reminder: Approval from University Communications should be attached to requests (I Want documents).
627: Clarified the purchase order approval process when using a charter service when a university-wide agreement is in place.
630: Removed reference to Global Operations for foreign studies. Information is contained in the processing instruction tables.
Clarified the process for engaging foreign national service providers:
For work performed in the U.S., complete the service provider evaluation and contracting process.
For work performed outside the U.S., consult your unit’s iCertis contract administrator.
Clarified that if a vendor presents their own contract for goods or services, a procurement agent review is required.
203: Clarified the review and approval process for contracts presented by guest speakers.
300-308: Added a new $2,500 pcard transaction limit.
302: Added prohibitions for gasoline, late fees, fines, collection agencies, services requiring a contract.
303: Clarified documentation responsibilities for all transactions on a procurement card, i.e., purchases, credits, disputed transactions, fraudulent transactions.
305: Simplified the application approval process for procurement cards.
308: Explicitly defined responsibilities for meeting documentation requirements for business expenses for cardholders, supervisors, and administrative managers.
400-403: Increased the e-SHOP automatic purchase order limit to $2,500 from $1,500.
409: Added examples of order confirmations (with no terms and conditions) that can be signed by the end user (campus customer).
601: Updated name, acronym, and askEHS contact for Environment, Health and Safety.
604-608: Updated name, acronym, and askEHS contact for Environment, Health and Safety.
627-629: Updated name, acronym, and askEHS contact for Environment, Health and Safety.
700: Updated catering and event space rental tables to explicitly define the payments allowed on service center procurement cards. These payments remain prohibited on individual procurement cards.
901-904: Updated name, acronym, and askEHS contact for Environment, Health and Safety.
204: Revised corporate travel card reference to travel and meal card.
303: Clarified that PCard Purchase Documentation Submission form must be completed for ALL transactions including credits, disputed transactions, and fraud, to document the business purpose (or explanation in the case of disputes or fraud) and account description.
306: Added clarifying detail about automatic 30-day suspension of pcard for policy violation.
307: Added reference to new section 630 (see below).
352: Removed Travel recommendation to limit use of T&M card for meal purchases. Changed section title from Corporate Travel Cards to Travel and Meal Cards.
353: Changed section title from Corporate Travel Cards to Travel and Meal Cards.
400: Updated large order approval delegations.
630:New section for human research participant payments created in collaboration with Institutional Review Board, Sponsored Financial Services, University Tax Office, and business service center colleagues.
203: Clarified language around requests to donate a payment to be received to explicitly state that direct travel-related payments for guest lecturers and speakers may be paid on a university Travel and Meal card.
302: Added a prohibition for lasers, which should be purchased through e-SHOP or on a standard purchase order, because a review by Environment, Health and Safety may be required.
603: Updated and revised the list of items that require Environment, Health and Safety review.
627: Added link to new Environment, Health and Safety web page for Bus/Passenger Transport Safety Data. Do not use companies highlighted in red. Companies highlighted in yellow must provide the name of the bus carrier in their quote.
201: Removed Tax Services. A purchase order is required for these services.
203: Added clarification for payment to appointed, unpaid employees.
204: Defined payment options for hotel room blocks.
302: Updated system name from eSirius to Cayuse.
303: Added information on new substitute documentation - missing receipt affidavit – and caution regarding sponsored awards and federal appropriations.
305: Updated language on pcard tutorial requirement.
307: Explicitly stated that catering and event space rental are not allowed on a Travel & Meal card.
352: Explicitly stated that catering and event space rental and other services requiring a contract may not be charged to a Travel & Meal card.
617: Export Control Office updated to remove requirement that Procurement needs to screen Cornell faculty and staff.
701: Corrected two broken links.
203: Added “non-credit summer mini-course” to types of guest speaker fees eligible for DV payment.
302: Explicitly defined the limited instances when an individual pcard may be used to pay for parking. Clarified the prohibition for travel-related expenses on pcard to include watercraft and vehicle rental and fuel for vehicles not owned by Cornell.
305: Clarified Cardholders Change of Status to clearly state that when a cardholder changes positions or terminates their employment, the pcard must be closed.
307: Corrected a referenced policy number.
401: Highlighted that e-SHOP tutorial available in CULearn has been updated.
409: Added examples of various types of vendor contracts for clarity. Defined circumstances when an end user may sign the IC and PSA amendments and the limited instances when it is necessary to route for additional approval.
606: Add additional commodity code reviewer.
627: Added new hyperlink to the Passenger Transport Compliance Data Sheet.
203: Added information on payments to foreign visitors; updated definitions of guest lecturer, guest speaker, and honoraria; added information on paying Cornell students for provided services.
204: Updated payment options to include the Travel and Meal university-provided card and removed direct billing to travel agents.
302: Added the prohibition of using pcards to pay refunds or reimbursements.
401: Updated the standard payment term under Progress Payments.
405: Modified the delegation of signature authoritity for services under $25K to business service center directors or their designees within the center; added a link to Risk Management's Waiver Modification Request form.
617: Clarified the explanation of BSC responsibilities as well as the Export Control Officer's pre-approved clauses.
622: Updated the university lease provisions with the option to return equipment or buy it for fair market value or $1 at the end of the lease term.
700: Added the specification that specific contracts for services are only for work performed within the United States; added instructions for paying Cornell students for providing services (also see section 203).
203: Changed name of service contract from “deaf or foreign language translation” to “language translation and interpretation (including sign language).”
305: Added a link to instructions on submitting receipts.
307: Added language to Gift Cards and Gift Certificates for Human Subjects Participating in Research to explicitly state that with the MOU, the BSC cannot authorize payments at amounts greater that the individual cardholder’s maximum $1,500 per transaction limit.
352: Updated reference and link for the travel policy.
353: Updated instructions for Applying for a T&M card. Incorporated policy requirements for timely expense report submissions.
409: Changed name of service contract from “deaf or foreign language translation” to “language translation and interpretation (including sign language).”
606: Changed the email address for the review of custom antibodies (commodity code 98100000).
700: Changed name of service contract from “deaf or foreign language translation” to “language translation and interpretation (including sign language).”
701: Updated hyperlinks for service provider questionnaire and evaluation worksheet.
702: Updated hyperlinks for service provider questionnaire and evaluation worksheet.
900: Updated hyperlinks to Procurement website.
302: Expanded the explanation of cash advances to clarify the prohibition of third-party cash transfers.
205: The PaymentWorks registration tool is now available for both foreign disbursement voucher payees and purchase order vendors. The registration process has been simplified.
303 and 305: Updated references to ImageNow because the imaging tool provider was changed.
203: Complete the service provider evaluation process, use either the Independent Consultant or Professional Services Agreement, as appropriate, and set up a recurring purchase order for ongoing projects with translators, writers, editors, and indexers. Use PaymentWorks to register students as DV payees for taxable prizes or awards. For surprise payments, send the PaymentWorks registration after the prize or award has been presented.
205: Set up students as disbursement voucher vendors in KFS, not refund and reimbursement, to issue prize and award payments via disbursement voucher.
302: Explained the e-SHOP vendor prohibition to identify when it is necessary and acceptable to use a pcard for purchases from select vendors. CIT provided clarification regarding Software, Software Licenses, Software as a Service, Cloud Services and the IT Statement of Need process.
409: Removed the signature authority delegation for transcription and closed captioning contracts as this specific contract is no longer in use.
700: Added a new section, Getting Started, to better define the process steps. Relabeled “Unique” Contracts for Services as “Specific” and added description on the appropriate use of these simple contracts.
701: Added information regarding the option to engage the provider through a temporary employment agency if a service provider evaluation results in the determination that the provider should be classified as an employee.
702: Added a reminder that the unit should not sign a vendor or service provider’s contract to Unit Responsibilities.
302: Clarified the IT Statement of Need requirements and documentation required for software purchases.
307: Documented the MOU requirements for delegating purchases of gift certificates to an individual pcard for human subjects with confidentiality requirements.
618: CIT rewrote the Technology Risk Assessment (TRA) process to include the Statement of Need process, which may include the TRA.
203: Removed closed captioning and transcription services from list of payments eligible for DV. PO is required.
303: Clarified that an original receipt is required for all pcard transactions charged or transferred to sponsored award or federal appropriations accounts.
622: The external lease program is available for items that cost over $100,000 (formerly $50,000).
700: Removed service provider contract for transcription and closed captioning services. Use the IT Professional Services or Independent Contractor/Consultant agreement.
303: Updated documentation requirements to reflect policy change to require receipts for all transactions greater than $75.00 and for all transactions against sponsored awards or federal appropriations.
405: Added definition of high-risk activities; now reflects change in policy regarding collecting insurance certificates.
629: Added new section on Needles and Syringes.
700: Minor clarification on last question of flowchart and now reflects change in policy regarding collecting insurance certificates.
804: Corrected Accounts Payable's address.
805: Added procurement card as a payment method for freight bills.
302: Added prohibition for controlled substances. See setion 628, Controlled Substances for more information.
350: Deleted Corporate Travel Cards Introduction. The personal-liability corporate card program has been cancelled. See section 352, University-Paid Travel and Meal Card.
351: Deleted Corporate Travel Cards Responsibilities. The personal-liability corporate card program has been cancelled. See section 353, Responsibilities for Travel and Meal Card.
614: Updated reference for federally funded acquisitions.
720: Updated signature authority delegate.
203: For services allowed on disbursement vouchers, clarified single-use contract versus recurring engagements and requirements for services performed outside of the U.S. or by foreign nationals. Also, expanded explanation of payments for services to Cornell employees.
302: Added powered equipment rental to the pcard prohibited list.
307: Defined limousine service allowed on BSC procurement card. Clarified that BSC signature authority delegation is only for Cornell contracts below $25,000.
409: Clarified that BSC signature authority delegation is only for Cornell contracts below $25,000.
627:New section with procedures defined by Environmental Health and Safety. Charter buses and limousines for nine people or more require a purchase order and vendor review. Prohibits the hiring of individuals to drive Cornell faculty, staff, students, visitors, or groups.
628:New section with procedures defined by Environmental Health and Safety for purchases of controlled substances.
700: Provided new information on paying foreign nationals and for work performed outside the U.S.
203: Added clarification on donations, which require University Relations approval; and sponsorships, which do not require University Relations approval.
205: Per the University Tax Office, provided information on the limited instances in which a substitute W-8 may be used.
307: Added clarification on donations, which require University Relations approval; and sponsorships, which do not require University Relations approval.
304: Inactive PCards – revised cooperatively with University Audit to state that Credit Card Programs will close any card account that has not been used at least once in any one-year period.
351: Cards Not in Use – revised cooperatively with University Audit to state that Credit Card Programs will close any card account that has not been used at least once in any one-year period.
352: Inactive Cards – Yearly Review – revised cooperatively with University Audit to state that Credit Card Programs will close any card account that has not been used at least once in any one-year period.
Intro: Procurement moved to East Hill Plaza on May 6, 2019. The address has been updated.
203: Added closed captioning and transcription services with fully executed contract for service. Clarified definitions for donations, gifts, and payments to students. Modified use of contracts for foreign service providers for translators, writers, editors, and indexers.
302: Refined definitions for Donations.
307: Added procedures for gift cards and gift certificates and donations.
605: Updated purchasing procedures for Narcotics.
400: Updated the approval level for large orders in accordance with University Policy 4.2, Transaction Authority and Payment Approval.
203: Clarified that honoraria must be charged to a federal unallowable object code.
307: Added: All bus carriers require the issuance of a purchase order per Risk Management and Insurance.
352: Updated to reflect changes to travel policy for Concur users (e.g., eligibility requirements, use of the card for meals)
353: Updated to reflect changes to travel policy for Concur users (e.g., update SFG/SBG member responsibilities)
409: Formerly section 502. No content revisions.
500 sections eliminated and incorporated elsewhere in the manual.
622: Formerly section 503. Internal Lease Program eliminated.
101: Updated responsibilities for resolving conflicts of interest. Where any real or apparent conflict of interest exists on the part of an individual involved in any part of a transaction (including vendor selection), the individual must resolve the issue before the university enters into a transaction or contract.
205: Replaced the Automated Vendor Form with PaymentWorks.
302: Updated software, software as a service, software licenses and cloud services procurement card prohibition based on 10/30/18 Technology Risk Assessment announcement.
606: Research added procedures for custom antibodies.
618: Clarified purchasing roles and responsibilities and payment methods based on 10/30/18 Technology Risk Assessment announcement.
617: Updated roles and responsibilities for end users, business service centers, Procurement and Payment Services and the Export Control Officer (ECO). ECO pre-approved export control clauses are listed.
352: Changed policy reference to the new University Policy 3.3, Travel Expenses for Concur Users.
353: Changed policy reference to the new University Policy 3.3, Travel Expenses for Concur Users.
100: University bid limit increased to $25,000.
102: University bid limit increased to $25,000.
201: University bid limit increased to $25,000.
203: University bid limit increased to $25,000. Information added to new Travel & Meal Card about restaurants.
205: Removed Procurement Wizard from vendor search instructions.
302: Suspension of prohibition for cloud services, software licenses, and software purchases remains in effect.
307: Reflect change in BSC director signature authority delegation per section 502. No change in super pcard transaction limits. Conditions for Review and Approval of Contracts by Procurement updated to remove initial requirements.
352: Clarification on cash advances with Travel & Meal Card.
400: University bid limit increased to $25,000, and e-SHOP transaction limit increased to $1,500.
401: Corrected Accounts Payable address.
402: University bid limit increased to $25,000; requirement for single/sole source justification form required for no bid raised to $25,000.
403: e-SHOP User transaction limit increased to $1,500; e-SHOP Plus User transaction limit increased to $5,000; university bid limit increased to $25,000.
502: Signature authority delegation to business service center directors for unique contracts for services increased to $25,000.
700: Catering and Event Space Rental payment charts updated to reflect new BSC director signature authority.
804: Clarification on receiving explanation.
All: Financial transaction centers renamed as business service centers.
100: Clarification on using preferred suppliers.
102: Clarification on vendor selection and explanation of pricing agreements.
203: Provided additional information about requiring approvals provided by University Relations for advertisements and by Community Relations for donations.
205: Noted that documentation of permission from the unit specified in 201 or 203 should be submitted with new vendor requests.
302: Added Donations as a prohibited transaction on procurement card. Separated and expanded explanations for cloud services, software licenses, and software purchases.
402: Clarification on bid exemptions for preferred and contract suppliers.
503: Updated information on external lease program.
609: Updated Authorization as requested by the vice president for facilities services.
618: Updated Technology Risk Assessment recommended by University Audit.
900: Updated the list of unique contracts for services.
902: Clarified definition of preferred supplier.
203: Correction to description for DV payment for writers, editors, and indexers with a service provider contract.
205: Added requirement for documenting Tax Office approval for use of the SP payment type for domestic and foreign vendors.
301: Updated the dollar threshold for procurement card transactions.
302: Added software purchases and cloud services to list of prohibited transactions, if the technology risk assessment is not completed per section 618.
305: Added requirement that SFG/SBG approve all procurement card applications with a transaction limit greater than $500.
306: New, renamed section: PCard Policy Violations, incorporates best practices previously published on the website.
308: Renumbered from 306. Added responsibilities for SFG/SBG members.
352: New section for the university paid travel and meal card. (Interim)
353: New section for responsibilities for the travel and meal card. (Interim)
400: Revised management approval required for large-dollar orders greater than $500,000.
405: Added information on insurance requirements for drones (unmanned aerial vehicles).
503: Added information on the use of the Summary of Accounting Treatment form for capital leases.
618: Updated to include links to IT Governance information and a requirement to contact the IT Governance Committee.
804: Corrected the address for Accounts Payable.
203: Clarified exceptions for advertisements and instructions for surprise prize or award payments to students; removed exception for postage meter rental.
205: Clarified instructions for surprise prize or award payment to students.
307: Added lodging restriction for Airbnb.
401: Added Accounts Payable email address to paying for PO instructions.
502: Added signature authority delegation and updated FTC/BSC responsibilities. Added new contract for Service Provider for Deaf or Foreign Language Translation (eligible for DV payment).
503: Updated procedures for external lease program.
603: Added list of commodity codes that route to EH&S.
618: Changed name to Technology Risk Assessment and linked to new CIT form.
620: Added exception for Arts and Sciences' Concert Series and Performances to replace MOU.
621: Added exception for Student and Campus Life's entertainment contracts to replace MOU.
700: Added cautionary statement for catered events in a private residence.
203: Allow DV payment for writing and editing with use of service provider contract.
502: Add service provider contract for writing and editing to Requirements for Initialing and Signing Contracts table.
700: Add new Service Provider Contract for Writing and/or Editing to unique contracts for services list.
402: Added bid exemption for Cornell Cooperative Extenssion associations
603: Updated Instructions for radioactive material
100: Remove reference to Disbursement Review
102: Expanded definition of preferred suppliers
200: Corrected policy 3.2 name
205: Defined steps and updated chart in step 4
400: Refined definitions for types of PO
401: Removed duplicate info on PO types (see section 400)
403: Clarified policy requirement on using e-SHOP
404: Removed standard modifications made by Procurement Agents
406: Moved Graphics Procurement to section 619
407: Reviewed roles and responsibilities
501: Eliminated. Consolidated info in section 102
502: Streamlined information provided on contract review responsibilities
700: Separated catering services and event space rental on flowchart; new tables to explain catering/event space rental requirements.
701: Clarified steps needed after IC status is determined
205: Added information on new vendor types - Refund and Reimbursement Vendors (RV) and Special Payments (SP).
302: Clarified paying for catering on an individual pcard for vendors with a university contract.
302: Clarified travel-related expenses definition for vehicles and added definition for vehicle rental.
400: Added title to clearly identify “Roles and Responsibilities.” Added reference to Bid Solicitation and Exemptions, section 402.
401: Deleted training item – KFSPUR 410 LIR (Line Item Receiving). Added Progress Payments (from section 801). Refining instructions for Paying for Purchase Orders and PO Amendments and Cancellations.
402: Added link to Bid Solicitation form on Procurement website. Added title to clearly identify “Roles and Responsibilities.”
404-408: Moved to The Purchase Order Process section.
405: Defined end user responsibility for submitting requests for exceptions to standard insurance requirements to Risk Management and Insurance.
502: Defined end user responsibility for submitting requests for exceptions to standard insurance requirements to Risk Management and Insurance. Added information on the delegation of signature authority for contacts under $10,000 to the FTC/BSC directors.
617: New section for Export Controls.
618: New section for Software Risk Assessment.
801: Progress Payments moved to section 401 and Item Receiving removed.
904: Index has been updated.
ALL: Headers and footers have been reformatted.
300: Defined cardholder responsibility for providing documentation for pcard purchases.
301: Added eligibility limitation for individuals who have previously had a write-off on a corporate travel card account.
303: Updated documentation for ImageNow, Pcard Receipt Processing System, and electronic submission procedures.
304: Clarified inactive pcard review and closure procedures.
305: Added statement encouraging cardholders to take scanning tutorial or review written instructions.
All: Updated all hyperlinks to point to new DFA website.
307: Clarified requirements for paying for catering and/or event space rental with an FTC/BSC pcard based on dollar amount, i.e., over or under $10,000.
350: New section! Formalized existing corporate travel card policies and procedures.
351: New section! Formalized responsibilities for corporate travel cardholders.
502: Modified requirements for initialing and signing contracts to reflect delegation of signature authority for select contracts under $10,000 to FTC/BSC Directors.
900: Updated forms and links.
703: Added service provider attestation to small service provider contracts to replace the service provider questionnaire and evaluation worksheet.
700: Revised service provider evaluation flowchart.
203: Added definitions for Donations, Food for Resale, Liquor for Resale; revised definitions for Guest Lecturer (Speaker) Fee, Magazines/Periodical Subscriptions/Books, Restaurants, Royalties/Permission Fees/Commissions.
205: Add clarification on system constraints and IRS rules regarding collection of IRS Forms W-9/W-8.
203: Added Performer without Equipment to list of services eligible for payment via DV and included link to Contracts for Services.
205: Clarified W-9 and W-8 submission requirements are for manual vendor registration process only.
400: Added catering services, hotel/event space rental, hosted events, and Human Resources recruiting services as exempt from bidding requirements.
402: Clarified bid thresholds, exemptions from bidding requirements, source (vendor) qualification. Added review of single/sole source justification forms for grants, contracts, or federal funds.
502: Removed FTC/BSC contract initialing requirement from roles and responsibilities. Added new contracts to Requirements for Initialing and Signing Contracts table.
700: Added new contracts to the list of contracts for services.
203: Corrected typo in email address and added Payments to Students
205: Revised entire section based on new vendor payee types and new Automated Vendor Form. Added Vendor Inquiry to Vendor Search tools.
404: Clarified when Procurement Services' review is required to modify terms and conditions of a purchase order
502: Clarified responsibilities for reviewing contracts
405: Updated insurance requirements to correspond to Terms and Conditions of a Purchase Order
616: New section for editors, indexers, and designers for CU Press
203: Clarified reference for requesting new vendors
609: Revised entire section
303: Removed notation requirements for pcard receipt documentation>
700: Updated flowchart (several questions moved to Service Provider Questionnaire)
703: New! How to Engage a Service Provider Checklist
200: Corrected flowchart title
203: Expanded definitions for guest speaker fee and honoraria303: Defined notation requirements for pcard receipt documentation
302: Updated Personal expense example
304: Revised closure process for inactive pcards
305: Revised account closure form and added link
403: Added definitions of e-SHOP roles and access request process
615: New section for artwork loans and purchases for the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art
307: New section for Special Consideration for FTC/BSC Cardholders
700: Clarification regarding contracts
801: Revision for item receiving
304: Revised explanation of conditions for automatic pcard account closures.
205: Added table on when a W-9 or W-8BEN is required; updated IRS requirements; added DV vendor setup and approval process
302: Clarified prohibition on payments for services on procurement card
405: Updated standard insurance requirements
408: Added life-cycle cost analysis
502: Clarified contract review and signature responsibilities
700: Updated procurement decision flowchart
203: Revised services eligible for DV payment.
700, 701, 702: Decision flow chart updated to reflect changes to section 203. Service Provider Evaluation Worksheet must be attached to the requisition. New contract available for entertainment-related services.