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Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Transfer In - Intrafund Income 7070 Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 8070.
Transfer In - Intrafund- Between Units Income 7075 Used in the account receiving funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG) AND in different college or division. This object code must always be used with 8075.
Transfer In - DFS ONLY-Between UR & TR Income 7080 DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between accounts with different restriction classifications, UR and TR only. Must be used with 8080.
Transfer In - DFS ONLY- From PLGIFT Income 7085 DFS USE ONLY. Transfer between PLGIFT and GNDEPT accounts that have different restriction classifications, TR and UR only. Must be used with 8085.
Transfer In - University Space Fee Income 7087 Used to record the University Space Fee in a Central Account. Must be used with 8087.
Transfer In - Provost-Univ Support Pool Income 7090 BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of the University Support Pool. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8090.
Transfer In - Provost-Allocated Cost Income 7093 BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For collection and distribution of Allocated Costs. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8093.
Transfer In - Provost-Subvention Income 7095 BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8095.
Transfer In-Provost-Subvention-Limited Income 7096 BUDGET OFFICE USE ONLY. For distribution of the Provost subvention for limited commitments. Units may budget on this object code. Must be used with 8096.
Accounts Payable Liability 2000 A current liability representing money owed by Cornell to outside sources. Use: Fringe Benefits (pension, insurances), taxes, garnishments,
Accrued Expenses Liability 2010 Accrued expenses are expenses that have been incurred but are not yet invoiced. Therefore they will not appear on the financial statements unless an adjusting entry is entered prior to month end. Use: Used to properly record expenses within an accounting period.
Accounts Payable Other Liability 2020 A current liability representing money owed by Cornell to outside sources. Anything not recorded on object code 2000. Use: Fringe Benefits (pension, insurances)
Liabilities - Tax Liability 2025 To record sales tax liabilities Use: Record sales tax collected on the sale of goods.
Internal Loan Payable - Capital Liability 2030 Liability related to internal department loans, capital projects. Use: Restricted for DFS Use Only
Operating Loan Payable Liability 2032 Liability related to internal operating loans. Use: Restricted for DFS Use Only
Non Resident Alien Fed Tax Withholding Liability 2045 Payroll tax withholding Use: Payroll tax withholding for non resident aliens.
Retainage - Liability Liability 2070 FACILITIES and DFS USE ONLY. A portion of the agreed upon contract price deliberately withheld until the work is substantially complete to assure that contractor or subcontractor will satisfy its obligations and complete a construction project.
Notes Payable - Non-Debt Liability 2100 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
Bonds Payable Liability 2110 To record liability related to External Bond Debt - Financial Statements Bonds and Notes Payable Use: External Bond Debt Only
Liabilities - External-Other Debt Liability 2130 To record liability related to other miscellaneous debt on the Bonds and Notes Payable Financial Statements Use: Bonds and Notes Payable Debt Only
