Tuition - Professional |
Income |
4190 |
Tuition for the professional schools. Limited to University Bursar |
Fees - Professional Mandatory |
Income |
4200 |
Mandatory fees for the professional schools. Limited to University Bursar |
Tuition - Graduate |
Income |
4210 |
Tuition for graduate students. Limited to University Bursar |
Fees - Inabsentia - Graduate |
Income |
4215 |
In absentia fees for graduate students. Limited to University Bursar |
Fees - Graduate Mandatory |
Income |
4220 |
Mandatory fees for graduate students for matriculation and/or health insurance. Limited to University Bursar |
Fees - Application |
Income |
4230 |
Fees assessed to individuals applying to a college, professional school, or academic program at Cornell. Use not Limited |
Revenue - Student Housing Campus Life |
Income |
4240 |
Limited to Student and Academic Services (SAS), an enterprise operation. Revenue from external customers for "Student Housing". |
Revenue - Student Housing and Dining |
Income |
4241 |
Revenue from external customers for "Student Housing or Dining". Use not limited |
Revenue - Student Dining Campus Life |
Income |
4250 |
Revenue from external customers for "student dining plan". Limited to Student Affairs |
Revenue - Athletic Revenue |
Income |
4260 |
Revenue from athletic department activities. Use: Limited to Athletics department |
Gifts - Indirect Cost |
Income |
4270 |
University-authorized fees assessed against certain gifts. Limited to University Controller |
Institutional Allowance |
Income |
4280 |
Revenue from sponsors or other agencies, generally based on fixed dollar amount, in lieu of indirect cost rate. Limited to University Controller |
F & A Recoveries |
Income |
4290 |
Revenue from overhead charges to federal, various states, and private grants and contracts. Limited to University Controller |
F & A Return |
Income |
4295 |
Used to move the 2% from the account in which the F&A recovery was originally placed into the PI/Co-PI's account provided to SFS. Both the debit and credit on the transaction will be on object code 4295. |
Pledge Change in Balance |
Income |
4310 |
Promises made by donors to make a gift in support of university operations at a future date. Limited to University Controller |
Gifts of Cash |
Income |
4340 |
Donors' gifts of cash. Limited to Office of Alumni Affairs and the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Alumni Class Dues |
Income |
4345 |
Class Dues received via AA&D gift feed. USE LIMITED TO AA&D. |
Distribution of Gift Funds |
Income |
4349 |
For distribution of gift funds from original account receiving the gift to other accounts that will be used to manage expenditures. The accounts receiving the gift distributions MUST be used for the same purpose and have the same subfund - can only distribute from RGGIFT to another RGGIFT (for TR gifts), or from GNDEPT to another GNDEPT (for UR gifts). This code can only be used on a Transfer of Funds edoc, and must always net to zero. Edoc explanation must reference the original gift account (which has the donor restriction documentation). |
Gift In Kind - Contribution |
Income |
4350 |
Donors' gifts of tangible personal property that does not qualify as capital (books, art, equipment, etc.). Limited to Office of Alumni Affairs |
Invest Income Interest & Dividends |
Income |
4370 |
Interest & Dividends Interest or dividend income generated by bank accounts, certain investments, etc. Limited to DFS Central office |