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Training Last Updatedsort ascending
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Revenue - Sales of Services Income 4060 Sale of Services- Sale of services to external customers. Use not limited
Revenue-Testing Agreements Income 4062 Revenue from product testing performed for external entities pursuant to an authorized agreement. Example: an agreement for Cornell to test the suitability of certain seeds in various locations in NYS.
Revenue - Student Insurance Premiums Income 4065 Revenue code for Student Health Insurance Premiums. Use limited to Gannett Health Services.
Revenue - Real Estate Rental Income 4070 Rents paid by external customers for the use of rooms, facilities, university-owned housing, etc. Cornell's Real Estate Department should be involved in rental of any university-owned or university-leased real estate. Use not limited
Revenue - Fees/Dues Income 4075 Misc. Fee income other than fees for conference registration. Use: Any fees collected for Campus to Campus cancellation fees, membership fees/dues, etc. Use not limited
Revenue - Commission Income 4080 Revenue from external parties, generally based on sales price of property sold or gross receipts from an event. Some examples are brokerage commissions for sale of real property; commissions paid to Athletics from athletic events at other locations, etc. Use not limited.
Revenue - Commission Enterprise Income 4082 Revenue from external parties, generally based on sales price of property sold or gross receipts from an event. Some examples are brokerage commissions for sale of real property; commissions paid to Athletics from athletic events at other locations, etc. Limited to Campus Life or Campus Store
Revenue from Subsidiary Income 4085 Income received from the subsidiaries on the CS chart. The activity on this object code will be eliminated at interim and year end. Should be offset with expense object code 6085. DFS Use Only.
Revenue - Royalty Income 4090 Revenue from external parties for use of university "intangible property," such as copyrighted works, patented inventions, mineral rights, photographs, etc. Use not limited
Revenue - Startup Support Income 4095 Revenue that is received for services provided by the university to start-up companies created as a result of a university program. Payment may be in the form of an equity position in the start-up company. Use of this object code must be approved by DFS.
Interdept - Revenue Royalties Income 4096 Revenue from internal colleges/units for use of university "intangible property," such as copyrighted works, patented inventions, mineral rights, photographs, etc. Use not limited.
Revenue - Corporate Sponsorships Income 4100 Financial backing by external parties of a public interest event or program in which the firm's name is displayed or announced as a supporter of the event. Contact DFS General Accounting ( before using.
Course Revenue- Non-Degree, Non-Credit Income 4105 Revenue received for educational courses for which participants DO NOT receive course credit. Can be used for Executive Education or Online learning or other learning opportunities. Use 4170-Tuition-Non-Degree, Credit Received if the non-matriculating student receives course credit. Use not limited.
Revenue - Other Income 4110 Revenue from external customers for transactions not otherwise described in the revenue object code table. Includes, but is not limited to: non-accredited summer programs. Use not limited
Revenue - Other -Enterprise Income 4112 Revenue from external customers for transactions not otherwise described in the revenue object code table. Includes, but is not limited to: non-accredited summer programs. Limited to Campus Life or Campus Store
Realized Gains on Investment Income 4120 Gain or loss resulting from the sale of investment assets as part of investment strategy. Limited to Treasurer's office, Trust Office, University Controller
Tuition - Undergraduate Income 4150 Tuition for the undergraduate schools. Limited to University Bursar
Fees - Non-Degree Mandatory Income 4160 Mandatory fees for non-matriculating students. Use not limited
Tuition - Non-Degree, Credit Received Income 4170 Tuition for non-matriculating students who receive course credit. Can be used for Executive Education or Online learning or other learning opportunities. Use 4105- Course Revenue- Non-Degree, Non-Credit if the student does not receive course credit. Use not limited.
Fees - Undergraduate Mandatory Income 4180 Mandatory fees for the undergraduate schools. Limited to University Bursar
