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Training Last Updatedsort ascending
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Tfer from - Year End Closing Income 3059 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used by KFS for account reversions during year end processes.
Budget - Use of Reserve Balance Income 3060 Budget use only. Amount used in the current year from reserves.
NO - Revenue Other Income 3200 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Revenue - Other
NO - Realized Gains on Invest Income 3205 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Realized Gains on Investments
Non Operating-Unrealized Gains on Invest Income 3206 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Unrealized Gains on Investments
Non Operating-LTIP Investment Earnings Income 3208 Earnings from the Long Term Investment Pool, DFS Central use only.
Non Operating - Gains Withdrawal Income 3210 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Gain/Loss on withdrawals from LTIP
Gain/Loss Debt Swap Income 3215 DFS USE ONLY. Used to record the Fair Market Value of the Debt Swaps.
NO - CGA Investment Earnings Income 3220 Gift Annuity Investment Earnings, DFS Central use only.
NO - Terminated SIA Income 3252 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Split interest agreement terminations and Outside Trust terminations (net).
NO - Gifts Cash Income 3255 CENTRAL USE ONLY (AA&D) Non-operating Donors' gifts of cash.
NO - Invest Inc Int & Div Income 3260 CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Operating Interest Income, Dividends on Investments and Student Loan Activity
NO - LTIP Payout Income 3275 CENTRAL USE ONLY,Non Oper monthly income distributed to funds that are part of the LTIP
NO - LTIP Payout - Dept CY Income 3279 Non-operating movement of current year LTIP payout between payout income account and other non-operating accounts. Use not limited.
NO - Interest Income - Outside Trusts Income 3285 AA&D USE ONLY. Interest income or dividends received on Outside Trusts.
Non Operating - Contract & Grant Revenue Income 3315 Non-Operating Revenue from contracts and grants. Generally associated with construction projects. Limited to University Controller
Non Operating - Approp-State Const Fund Income 3335 DFS (Facilities and Budget) USE ONLY. Used to record the State University Construction Funding (SUCF) allocations for CIP projects.
NO - Gift In Kind - Contribution Income 3360 Donors' gifts of tangible personal property that qualify as non operating (books, art, equipment, etc.). Limited to Office of Alumni Affairs
NO - Approp CPMRR - State Const Fund Income 3465 DFS (Facilities and Budget) USE ONLY. Used to record CPMRR allocations for CIP projects.
