Institutional Allowance - Expense |
Expense |
9060 |
Institutional allowance typically occurs as a flat fee in lieu of indirect cost. May be awarded as institutional support to help defray administrative expenses associated with a Fellowship. DFS use only. |
F&A Recovery - Expense |
Expense |
9070 |
Facilities and administrative costs generally associated with contract and grants funds (Fund CG). Charge typically occurs systematically based on a percentage (Indirect Cost Rate) of expenditures. Also referred to as Indirect Costs or F&A. DFS use only. |
Indirect Cost - Gifts - Expense |
Expense |
9080 |
Facilities and administrative costs associated with restricted gifts. Charge typically occurs systematically based on a percentage (Indirect Cost Rate) of expenditures. Also referred to as Indirect Costs or F&A. DFS use only. |
Subsistence-Post-Doctoral Fellowship |
Expense |
9090 |
Non-compensatory payments to support postdoctoral fellows (individuals who have previously received their doctoral degree). These individuals are not CU employees. These awards are made for the purpose of research or study in the receipient's field of expertise, and are often government funded (e.g. NRSA awards). Postdoctoral fellows must hold an unpaid appointment in the HR system, with award provided through DV process. Use: postdoctoral fellowship awards. |
Subsistence-Intern |
Expense |
9092 |
Non-compensatory payments to support subsistence expenses to enable an individual's participation in a Cornell internship program. Individual for whom payments are made under this code should be appointed as an unpaid Intern in WorkDay. |
Interdept - Participant Support -Other |
Expense |
9093 |
Interdepartmental costs to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Costs may include training materials, laboratory supplies, conference fees, or travel. Excluded from MTDC. |
Subsistence-Program Participant |
Expense |
9094 |
Non-compensatory payments to support subsistence exp to enable an individual's participation in a univ program. Not to be used for employees or where delivery of service is required. For use only on sponsored awards issued prior to the applicability of 2 CFR 200. |
Subsistence Allowance-Academic Visit |
Expense |
9095 |
Non-compensatory payments to support subsistence exp for academic visitors. Normally visitors will hold an unpaid HR appointment in an academic title (e.g. Visiting Fellow, Visiting Scientist). Not to be used for employees or where delivery of service |
Participant Support-Stipend/Subsistence |
Expense |
9096 |
Non-compensatory stipend or subsistence payment to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. Not to be used for payments to visitors, employees, or where delivery of service is required. |
Participant Support - Travel |
Expense |
9097 |
Travel payment to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. Not to be used for payments to visitors, employees or where delivery of service is required. |
Participant Support - Fees |
Expense |
9098 |
Fees to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Fees paid by the participant may include laboratory fees, passport/visa fees for foreign participants, or registration fees. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. |
Participant Support - Other |
Expense |
9099 |
Certain other costs, borne by the participant to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Costs paid by the participant may include training materials or laboratory supplies. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. |
Budget - CG Frozen Funds |
Expense |
9135 |
Budget use only. Used to record prior year unobligated balance of a sponsored agreement's account. Spending of this prior year unobligated balance is prohibited until approval is received from the funding agency. |
BM-Planned Maint Assessment Expense |
Expense |
9450 |
IPP allocation of Planned Maintenance Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4950. IPP use only. |
Redistribution-Allocated Maintenance Exp |
Expense |
9451 |
Departmental redistribution of Allocated Maintenance expense. Object code must net to zero within entry. Use: not limited. |
BM-Stewardship Maint Assessment Expense |
Expense |
9452 |
IPP allocation of Stewardship Maintenance Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4952. IPP use only. |
BM-PM / CM Assessment Expense |
Expense |
9454 |
IPP allocation of Preventive / Corrective Maintenance Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4954. IPP use only. |
PM-Building Care Assessment Expense |
Expense |
9460 |
IPP allocation of Building Care Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4960. IPP use only. |
BM-Stewardship Utilities Assessment Exp |
Expense |
9480 |
IPP allocation of Stewardship Utilities Assessment Model expense. This object code must net with 4980. IPP use only. |
Pooled Undergraduate Financial Aid |
Expense |
9648 |
Pooled undergraduate financial aid expense distributed to colleges that admit or teach undergraduate students and to units charging non-tuition fees that impact financial aid. |