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Training Last Updatedsort ascending
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Services - Royalties Expense 6623 Expenditures for royalty payments Use: Royalty expense is derived from the purchase of an asset, intellectual property or copyrighted materials.
Services - Medical and Health Care Expense 6624 Expenditures for medical services provided by outside vendors. Use: Contractual agreements with medical providers to cover students medical needs off campus. i.e Cornell in Washington. Any medical expenses related to travel should be coded to travel, 6750/6760.
Interdept - Royalties Expense Expense 6626 Expenditures for royalty payments to internal Cornell colleges/units Use: Royalty expense is derived from the purchase of an asset, intellectual property or copyrighted materials.
Interdept - Food & Beverage Catering Expense 6630 Catering services provided by Cornell departments. (Cornell Catering). Use: Cornell Catering
Interdept - Room & Space Rental Expense 6631 Expenditures for on campus room & space rental Use: Biotech, ILR conference center, Sage Hall, etc.
Interdept - Room Charge, Statler Hotel Expense 6632 Interdept - Room Charge, Statler Hotel
Interdept - Food & Bev, Statler Hotel Expense 6633 Interdept - Food & Bev, Statler Hotel
Interdept - Research & Lab Fees Expense 6635 Lab services provided by Cornell departments Use: Core Laboratories Center, Diagnostic Supply Center, etc.
Services - Copy & Printing Expense 6640 Expenditures for printing and duplicating services. Use: Gnomon, FedEx/Kinko, Staples, etc.
Services - Publications Cost Expense 6641 Expenditures for publishing. Use: Page charges
Interdept - Copy & Printing Svcs Expense 6642 Interdepartmental expenditures for printing and duplicating services. Cornell providers only. Use: Campus Store, CU Printshop, departmental copy charges, etc.
Interdept - Publications Cost Expense 6643 Interdepartmental expenditures for publishing services. Cornell providers only. Use: Cornell University Press, etc.
Interdept - Postage Expense 6644 Interdepartmental expenditures for postage services. Cornell providers only. Use: Cornell mail services
Services-Spons Subs over $25K Expense 6650 Expenditures for work contracted for research or development only. This code is excluded from the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. The first $25,000 paid on a subcontract is recorded with object code 6660. Use: For use in grants and contracts accounts only. Sub contract agreement through OSP is needed.
Svc-Advance Spons Sub over $25K Expense 6651 Amounts advanced for subawards where sponsor billing is allowed. This code is excluded from the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. The first $25,000 advanced on a subcontract is recorded with object code 6661. Use: For use in fund CG accounts only. Subaward agreement through OSP is needed.
Services-Spons Subs $25K and under Expense 6660 Expenditures for work contracted for research or development only. This code is included in the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. This code is used for the first $25,000. Use: For use in grants and contracts accounts only. Sub contract agreement through OSP is needed.
Svc-Advance Spons Sub upto $25K Expense 6661 Amounts advanced for subawards *where sponsor billing is allowed.* Other advances should use 1610. This code is excluded from the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. Amounts above $25,000 advanced on a subcontract are recorded with object code 6651. Use: For use in fund CG accounts only. Subaward agreement through OSP is needed.
Interdept - Fed Unallowable Svce Expense 6662 Expenditures for services from other departments or units within the university that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Advertising, printing, catering, etc. for unallowable events.
Interdept - Transportation Svc Expense 6663 Expenditures for transportation costs from other departments or units within the university. Use: Red Runner, Red Runner Courier, Department owned vehicles (see recharge policy).
Services - Credit Card Fees Expense 6670 Expenditures for transaction fees charged by credit card companies. Use: Fees charged by credit card companies for accepting credit card transactions.
