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Training Last Updatedsort ascending
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Supplies - Fed Unallowable Expense 6590 Expenditures for supplies and materials that are classified as no recoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200).
Services - Computer Expense 6600 Expenditures for managed computer services performed by external vendors. See also 6617 Cloud Computing Services and 6618 Software as a Service. Use: Services for computers, storage, application management, etc. from external vendors.
Interdept - CIT Back-up Services Expense 6601 CIT backup services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT Storage Farm Expense 6602 Storage Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT Server Farm Expense 6603 Server Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT Virtual Server Expense 6604 Virtual Server charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT Internal Services Expense 6605 Internal Services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT CU Print Expense 6606 CU Print charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT.
Interdept - CIT Cloud Services Expense 6607 Computing, storage, and application platform resources hosted by an external vendor and brokered or administered by CIT on behalf of campus users. Use: Charges initiated by CIT. Expenses for the provision of cloud resources covered under a central contract.
Services - Corporations Expense 6610 Expenditures for professional services, including related travel and subsistence expenses that are paid directly. Use: Dairy One, Agway, etc.
Services - Performers Expense 6615 Expenditures for entertainers and performers. Must have completed and signed performer contract. Use not limited.
Cloud Computing Services Expense 6617 Computing, storage, and application platform resources hosted by an external vendor (also see 6618 Software as a Service). Use: Expenses for the provision of computing hardware and/or storage resources, dedicated to Cornell, but resides in a 3rd party data center. Some level of software platform, such as database or webserver and support may be provided by the vendor, but most application support is provided by Cornell. Examples include AWS, Azure, Pantheon, Media3.
Software as a Service Expense 6618 Application software provided and hosted by external vendors. Costs are generally inclusive of software maintenance, usage licenses and system support (also see 6617 Cloud Computing Services). Use: Expenses for obtaining access to software as a service application through a cloud-based offering. Applications are supported by the vendor but may be locally configured by Cornell. Examples include Workday, Concur.
Services - Independent Contractor Expense 6620 Expenditures for professional services from independent contractors, including related travel and subsistence expenses. Use: Must have signed independent contractor/consultant agreement.
Services - Legal Services Expense 6621 Expenditures for legal services, including related travel and subsistence expenses that are paid directly. Use: Legal fees for outside legal services.
Purchase Services - Accounting Firms Expense 6622 Expenditures for external accounting firms for audit or tax services - e.g., Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, KPMG LLP. Use not limited.
Services - Royalties Expense 6623 Expenditures for royalty payments Use: Royalty expense is derived from the purchase of an asset, intellectual property or copyrighted materials.
Services - Medical and Health Care Expense 6624 Expenditures for medical services provided by outside vendors. Use: Contractual agreements with medical providers to cover students medical needs off campus. i.e Cornell in Washington. Any medical expenses related to travel should be coded to travel, 6750/6760.
Interdept - Food & Beverage Catering Expense 6630 Catering services provided by Cornell departments. (Cornell Catering). Use: Cornell Catering
Interdept - Room & Space Rental Expense 6631 Expenditures for on campus room & space rental Use: Biotech, ILR conference center, Sage Hall, etc.
