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Training Last Updatedsort ascending
Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Loss on the Disposition of Assets Expense 6395 SYSTEM USE ONLY. Represents the undepreciated value of retired capital assets
Over/Short - Cash Expense 6400 Overages or shortages for daily sales. Use: Use to reconcile a cash drawer or register
Over/Short - Inventory Expense 6405 Adjustments to inventory levels. Use: Use to reconcile physical inventory to GL
Gift In Kind - Non Capital Expense Expense 6410 Non Capital expense offset to Gift in Kind income. Use: This code must always be in balance with the gift income object code
Unleaded & Diesel Fuel Expense 6415 External expenses for Fuel. Use: Fuel for vehicles and equipment. Payment of gas cards (Mobil, Sunoco, Kwik Fill, etc.)
Fed Unallowable-Public & Donor Relations Expense 6420 Expenditures for public & donor relations and advertising that are classified as unallowable according to OMB A-21. Use: Donations in lieu of flowers, etc.
Federal Unallowable - Food and Beverage Expense 6425 Federal Unallowable food and beverage including alcohol Use: Non Travel related food and beverage
Interdept - Lease and Gap Rent Expense Expense 6428 Interdepartmental expenditures for non-Facilities - Leases and gap rent. Must be offset by object code 4028. Consult DFS prior to using this object code.
Federal Unallowable - Miscellaneous Expense 6430 Expenditures for all purposes not defined above, that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: All other unallowable expenses
Interdept - Fuel Expense 6435 Fuel billing for fleet garage Use: Billing from Transportation Services
Interdept Maint Prevent - Facilities Expense 6440 Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code.
Maintenance Prevention - Facilities Expense 6445 Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for campus facilities.
Interdept Maint Planned - Facilities Expense 6450 Non-capitalized planned maintenance is any maintenance work that can be planned or anticipated and maintains the value of the facility. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code.
Maintenance Planned - Facilities Expense 6455 Non-capitalized planned maintenance is any maintenance work that can be planned or anticipated and maintains the value of the facility. Use: External providers of planned maintenance services for campus facilities.
Interdept Maint Routine - Facilities Expense 6460 Expenditures for repairs and maintenance necessary for the continued operation of an existing campus facility or system. Use: Repairs to the central heating system of a building.
Interdept Alterations Renovation Not Cap Expense 6461 Expenditures for altering or renovating an existing structure. Use: Do not use this code if either or both of the following conditions exist:1) changes cost $100,000 or more and extend the useful life
Maintenance Routine - Facilities Expense 6465 Expenditures for repairs and maintenance necessary for the continued operation of an existing campus facility or system, e.g., repairs to the central heating system of a building. Use: Facilities and Campus Services is the primary user of this code.
Interdept Addnl Building Care-Facilities Expense 6466 Expenditures for Additional Building Care services provided to campus outside of the Budget Model. Limited to Facilities & Campus Services.
Interdept Maint Prevent - Equipment Expense 6470 Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep equipment operating, or extend the useful life of equipment. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code.
Maintenance Prevention - Equipment Expense 6475 Scheduled activities to ensure regulatory compliance, or keep equipment or software operating, or extend the useful life of equipment or software. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for equipment, vehicles, owned copiers, etc.
