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Financial Reporting Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Capital Assets Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Chart of Accounts Tutorials Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Title Category Code Description
Bond Premium Liability 2140 Deferment of Bond Premium costs over the life of the debt. The expense is amortized monthly. Used to Record deferment of Bond Premium related to External bond Debt.
Deferred-Bond Issuance Costs-Contra Liab Liability 2141 Deferment of Bond Issuance costs over the life of the debt. The expense is amortized monthly Use: Record deferment of issuance costs paid on External bond Debt.
SHP IBNR Liability 2218 Use to record claims incurred but not yet reported for student health plan use only
Deferred Comp Liability 2220 Earned income that is payable at a later date and taxed at some point in the future. Use: Retirement plans, pension plans and stock-option plans.
Deferred Benefits - LTIP Invest Earnings Liability 2226 LTIP monthly investment earnings for Deferred Benefits accounts. Restricted for DFS use only.
Deferred Benefits - Postemployment Liability 2227 Accrued post-employment benefit obligations. Use: Workers' compensation and medical continuation benefits for those on long-term disability
Deferred Comp - LTIP Investment Earnings Liability 2228 LTIP monthly investment earnings for Deferred Compensation accounts. Restricted for DFS use only.
Deferred Revenues Liability 2240 Advance payments or unearned revenue. Revenue that is received but not earned in the current fiscal period. Use: Summer sessions; tuition is collected for the summer but not earned until the expense is recognized in a following period.
Deferred Deposits Liability 2250 Deposits received but not used in the current fiscal period. Use: Deposits collected for hosted events for catering, space, etc. Cornell Cooperative Ext. deposits from counties.
Finance Lease Liability Real Estate Liability 2260 Used to record Finance Lease Real Estate activity. DFS Use Only.
Finance Lease Liability Equipment Liability 2261 Used to record Financial Lease Equipment activity. DFS Use Only.
Interdepart - Deferred Revenues Liability 2280 This interdepartmental code represents advance payments or unearned revenue from another department or division at Cornell. Must be used with another interdepartmental code as the other side of the transaction. Use: Use should be limited as Cornell should not owe itself money. Revenue received for an event occurring in the following fiscal year.
Due To WCMC Liability 2320 Use for activity in the WCMC due to/from accounts only (C7910xx). The department side of the transaction should be income or expense. Use: Record movement of funds to/from WCMC.
Due To Other Liability 2330 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
Due To Qatar Liability 2340 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
Funds Held In Trust For Others Liability 2410 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
FHFO- LTIP Investment Earnings Liability 2416 LTIP monthly investment earnings for FHFO accounts. Use: DFS use only
PLIF - Liability Liability 2500 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
PLIF - Income Liability 2530 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
Liability - Living Trust Liability 2540 Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs.
