NO - Revenue Other |
Income |
3200 |
CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Revenue - Other |
Fund Balance Object code |
Fund Balance |
3190 |
This object code represents the fund balance carried forward from a prior year to the current year. The prior year is calculated as: last year beginning fund balance, plus last year income, less last year expenses. |
Plant Funds - CIP Capitalize Offset |
Fund Balance |
3160 |
DO NOT USE. System generated capitalization offset entry. |
Encumbrance Offset |
Fund Balance |
3110 |
System generated fund balance offset created when an encumbrance transaction is processed. |
Budget - Use of Reserve Balance |
Income |
3060 |
Budget use only. Amount used in the current year from reserves. |
Tfer from - Year End Closing |
Income |
3059 |
SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used by KFS for account reversions during year end processes. |
Budget-Use of Fund Balance |
Income |
3050 |
Budget use only. Amount used in the current year from the fund balance (beginning balance). |
Accounts Payable Offset |
Liability |
2900 |
Accounts payable offset entries are generated for disbursement vouchers, payment requests, credit memos and department feeds creating a liability until the payment is disbursed. Use: When the payment is made object code 2900 is reversed and replaced with 1000. This is automatic. |
Travel Application Payable - LIMITED USE |
Liability |
2640 |
Concur travel amounts due employee. Use: Limited to system generated Concur transactions. |
Refundable Grants - U. S. Govt |
Liability |
2600 |
Use for activity related to the Perkins loan fund. Limited to the Division of Financial Services and Bursar Office. |
Liability - Gift Annuity |
Liability |
2550 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Liability - Living Trust |
Liability |
2540 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
PLIF - Income |
Liability |
2530 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
PLIF - Liability |
Liability |
2500 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
FHFO- LTIP Investment Earnings |
Liability |
2416 |
LTIP monthly investment earnings for FHFO accounts. Use: DFS use only |
Funds Held In Trust For Others |
Liability |
2410 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Due To Qatar |
Liability |
2340 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Due To Other |
Liability |
2330 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Due To WCMC |
Liability |
2320 |
Use for activity in the WCMC due to/from accounts only (C7910xx). The department side of the transaction should be income or expense. Use: Record movement of funds to/from WCMC. |
Interdepart - Deferred Revenues |
Liability |
2280 |
This interdepartmental code represents advance payments or unearned revenue from another department or division at Cornell. Must be used with another interdepartmental code as the other side of the transaction. Use: Use should be limited as Cornell should not owe itself money. Revenue received for an event occurring in the following fiscal year. |