Interdept - Project Management Fees |
Expense |
6726 |
Expenses for Project Management Fees related to an approved PAR (Project Approval Request). Central Use Only. |
Capital Construction - Site Preparation |
Expense |
3930 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record construction project Site Preparation costs. |
Interdept Maint Planned - Equipment |
Expense |
6480 |
Non-capitalized planned maintenance is any maintenance work that can be planned or anticipated and maintains the value of the equipment. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code. |
Participant Support - Travel |
Expense |
9097 |
Travel payment to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. Not to be used for payments to visitors, employees or where delivery of service is required. |
Budget - General S&W - Maximum Benefits |
Expense |
5396 |
Budget use only. To budget salary and wages with Maximum benefits. |
Relocation Moving |
Expense |
6345 |
Expenditures incurred to relocation new employees. Use: Payroll and non-payroll relocation expenses. See relocation policy. |
Depreciation - Bulding |
Expense |
6301 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
FIN AID-Health Insurance-Grad Fellowship |
Expense |
8128 |
Payment of student health insurance premium and health fee for CU graduate fellows and trainees. Normally paid via the Student Financial System (Peoplesoft). Excludes payments for graduate assistants, professional and non-degree students. Use: graduate fellowship and trainee health insurance premium and fee. |
Budget - Academic - Professional |
Expense |
5190 |
Budget use only for Salary for various academic professionals |
Fees and Licenses |
Expense |
6190 |
Expenditures for fees, insurance, license, and taxes that cannot be categorized in object codes 6140 - 6205 such as notary fees. Use: Notary fees |
Utilities - Other |
Expense |
6896 |
Any utility not covered in object codes 6790 to 6895. Use: Utility bill where source is not identified. |
Cost Share - PROT |
Expense |
9903 |
Cost Share - PROT |
Benefits - CCTS - Graduate |
Expense |
5930 |
Used to record expenses related to graduate studies under the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central Use Only. |
Services - Corporations |
Expense |
6610 |
Expenditures for professional services, including related travel and subsistence expenses that are paid directly. Use: Dairy One, Agway, etc. |
Interdept-PAR (Project Approval Req) Tax |
Expense |
6727 |
Expenses for PAR (Project Approval Request) Tax related to an approved PAR. Central Use Only. |
Capital Construction - Building |
Expense |
3940 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record construction project Building costs. |
Maintenance Planned - Equipment |
Expense |
6485 |
Non-capitalized planned maintenance is any maintenance work that can be planned or anticipated and maintains the value of the equipment. Use: External providers of planned maintenance services for equipment, vehicles, owned copiers, etc. |
Participant Support - Fees |
Expense |
9098 |
Fees to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Fees paid by the participant may include laboratory fees, passport/visa fees for foreign participants, or registration fees. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. |
Temporary Employee - Min Bene |
Expense |
5400 |
Salary and wages for short-term temporary, non-benefit eligible employees. Also used for endowed Bi-Weekly Benefits-Only positions. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Purchase Discounts |
Expense |
6350 |
Discounts taken on purchases. Use: Credit/rebates from vendors |