Benefits - Accrual |
Expense |
5640 |
Used to accrue benefits for financial statement purposes only. DFS use only. |
Benefits-Adj Between Div- CENTRAL ONLY |
Expense |
5650 |
Used to accrue benefits for financial statement purposes only. |
Salary Accrual |
Expense |
5380 |
Used only for end of fiscal year salary and wage accruals (typically, the amount of BiWeekly payroll earned in the last few days of the closing fiscal year, but to be paid out in the coming fiscal year.) Zero fringe rate. |
Transfer In - from Medical College |
Income |
7050 |
Used in the operating account receiving funds from Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
Transfer Out - to Medical College |
Expense |
8050 |
Used in the operating account providing funds to Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
Transfer Out - to FFE |
Expense |
8030 |
Used in the operating account providing funds to a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). REMINDER: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Transfer Out - to Faculty Start-up |
Expense |
8055 |
Used in the operating account (Fund GN or RG) providing funds to another operating account specifically set up hold a faculty member's start-up funding. |
Interdept - Debt Contribution |
Expense |
6729 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Transfer Out - to Debt Service |
Expense |
8005 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Transfer In-from Renewal & Replacement |
Income |
7040 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Renewal and Replacement Reserve (RVREPL) account. |
Transfer In - from General Reserves |
Income |
7045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a general reserve (RVGENL) account. (Also used when a general reserve provides funding for a capital project or is transferred to an FFE.) |
Transfer In - from FFE |
Income |
7030 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a funds functioning as endowment (FFE). REMINDER: Do NOT transfer between restriction classes! |
Transfer In - from Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Income |
7046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
Transfer Out-to Renewal & Replacement |
Expense |
8040 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Renewal and Replacement Reserve (RVREPL) account. |
Transfer Out - to General Reserves |
Expense |
8045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a General Reserve (RVGENL) account. |
Transfer Out - to Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Expense |
8046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
Transfer Out- to Capital Reserve |
Expense |
8041 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Capital Reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
Interdept - Debt Contribution from Depts |
Income |
4029 |
Used in the internal loan (DBINTL) account that is making payments to an operating (GNxxxx) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Transfer In - from Sponsored |
Income |
7025 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a sponsored contract or grant (CGxxxx) account. |
Transfer in-from Restricted Gift -RGGIFT |
Income |
7043 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Restricted Gift (RGGIFT) account. |