Nonexempt - Professional |
Expense |
5315 |
Salary for general non-exempt professional positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Telecommunication - Usage |
Expense |
6120 |
Telephone/data, teleconferencing related usage. (Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, PGI) Use: External vendors |
Academic - Summer Salary - Temp |
Expense |
5060 |
Salary for summer program faculty for non-benefits-eligible employees (no retirement benefits accrue). Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Modular Furniture- Non-Capital |
Expense |
6562 |
Expenditures for modular components that make up a work area. Examples include panels, work surfaces, drawers, and overhead shelves. Individual components that cost less than $5,000 are not capital assets and should be expended when purchased. Individual components costing $5,000 or more should be identified with a bar code tag and capitalized as a piece of moveable equipment. Use: All components of modular furniture. |
Employee Ben - Contract College - NonFed |
Expense |
5626 |
Contract College Non-Federal Grant fringe rate benefit charges. see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
FIN AID-Stipends - Undergraduate |
Expense |
8463 |
Payment of financial aid stipends for CU undergraduate students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree students. Use: undergraduate stipends. |
Capital Acq - Gov't Owned Bldg |
Expense |
3715 |
Used when acquiring or recording the completion of buildings that exceed the capital threshold in which ownership vests with an entity other than Cornell. Will not generate capitalization entries. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Federal Unallowable - Food and Beverage |
Expense |
6425 |
Federal Unallowable food and beverage including alcohol Use: Non Travel related food and beverage |
Bond Premium Interest |
Expense |
6928 |
Monthly interest related to the amortization of Premiums associated with the issuance of External Bond Debt. DFS Plant Accounting and WCMC Use Only. |
Cost Share - INRS |
Expense |
9939 |
Cost Share object code for INRS level. System use only. |
Transfer Out - to Debt Service |
Expense |
8005 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Budget - Staff SIP |
Expense |
5493 |
Budget use only. |
Depreciation - Fixed Equipment |
Expense |
6308 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Travel - Domestic (non-employee) |
Expense |
6751 |
Expenditures for non-employee domestic travel among the fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For travel funded by a sponsored project, consult the contractual documents for the sponsor's definition of domestic. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. |
Cost Share - Trsfr of Fds - Services |
Expense |
9967 |
Cost Share object code for SVCS level. System use only. |
Nonexempt - Technical |
Expense |
5320 |
Salary for general non-exempt technical positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Interdept CIT - Telecom Usage |
Expense |
6125 |
Toll related charges from CIT for international and calling cards. Use: CIT only |
Budget - Academic- Summer Salary |
Expense |
5080 |
Budget use only: Salary for summer program faculty for benefits-eligible employees (retirement benefits accrue). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Maint Routine - Equip |
Expense |
6565 |
Expenditures for repairs and maintenance necessary for the continued operation of equipment. e.g., oil change for vehicles. Use: |
Employee Ben - CC NYS Component |
Expense |
5629 |
Payroll generated entries for Contract College benefit charges that need to be reimbursed by the State of NY. Used in conjunction with account 7051039 - NYS Fringe Benefits Payable. Entries are cleared the following month with the processing of a DV. Benefit pool accounting use only. |