Interdepart - Deferred Revenues |
Liability |
2280 |
This interdepartmental code represents advance payments or unearned revenue from another department or division at Cornell. Must be used with another interdepartmental code as the other side of the transaction. Use: Use should be limited as Cornell should not owe itself money. Revenue received for an event occurring in the following fiscal year. |
Interdept - Accounts Receivable |
Asset |
1280 |
An asset created from sales activity between Cornell departments. An interdepartmental income code must be used on the other side of the transaction. Use: Used by departments to record income when the customers account can't be charged an expense due to the period end (month or year). |
Interdept - CIT Back-up Services |
Expense |
6601 |
CIT backup services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Cloud Services |
Expense |
6607 |
Computing, storage, and application platform resources hosted by an external vendor and brokered or administered by CIT on behalf of campus users.
Use: Charges initiated by CIT. Expenses for the provision of cloud resources covered under a central contract. |
Interdept - CIT CU Print |
Expense |
6606 |
CU Print charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Internal Services |
Expense |
6605 |
Internal Services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Server Farm |
Expense |
6603 |
Server Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Storage Farm |
Expense |
6602 |
Storage Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Virtual Server |
Expense |
6604 |
Virtual Server charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - Copy & Printing Svcs |
Expense |
6642 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for printing and duplicating services. Cornell providers only. Use: Campus Store, CU Printshop, departmental copy charges, etc. |
Interdept - Cost of Sales |
Expense |
6015 |
The cost of merchandise sold to Cornell University customers from inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales. |
Interdept - Debt Contribution |
Expense |
6729 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account that is making payments to an internal loan (DBINTL) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Interdept - Debt Contribution from Depts |
Income |
4029 |
Used in the internal loan (DBINTL) account that is making payments to an operating (GNxxxx) account. DFS USE ONLY. |
Interdept - Fabricated Equip Components |
Expense |
6295 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for the component parts, materials, and labor used in the fabrication of equipment. Use: Materials used in the production of fabricated equipment |
Interdept - Fed Unallowable Svce |
Expense |
6662 |
Expenditures for services from other departments or units within the university that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Advertising, printing, catering, etc. for unallowable events. |
Interdept - Food & Bev, Statler Hotel |
Expense |
6633 |
Interdept - Food & Bev, Statler Hotel |
Interdept - Food & Beverage Catering |
Expense |
6630 |
Catering services provided by Cornell departments. (Cornell Catering). Use: Cornell Catering |
Interdept - Fuel |
Expense |
6435 |
Fuel billing for fleet garage Use: Billing from Transportation Services |
Interdept - Insurance |
Expense |
6175 |
Risk management billing. Use: All Risk Management |
Interdept - Lab Supply & Material |
Expense |
6545 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for laboratory supplies and materials. Use: Lab Supplies including related chemicals, and glassware, animals required for laboratory use, including food for these animals. |