Prizes - Professional |
Expense |
8550 |
Payment of prizes or awards for CU professional students. A prize is awarded in conjunction with a competition in which one voluntarily initiate participation and are judged by a designated committee, faculty/staff, student organization, college, or department. An award is given in recognition of outstanding religious, charitable, scientific, educational, artistic, literary, or civic performance or achievement and are not part of a student's financial aid package. Use: professional student prizes. |
Salary - Adj Between Divisions DFS ONLY |
Expense |
5480 |
DFS use only -- not directly used for payroll expense. |
Lease - Equipment |
Expense |
6220 |
Lease expenditures on equipment with a signed lease agreement term of one year or greater. Any leased equipment including research and lab equipment. Any security deposits should be booked to 1630 and reversed at the end of the lease.
For more information refer to |
Capital Acq - Computer Software |
Expense |
3660 |
Used when acquiring software exceeding the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
SUNY Spec - Equip L/T Threshold |
Expense |
6940 |
Expenditures, for items of movable equipment other than computers, software, vehicles, and furniture, that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 502X. Use: SUNY only |
Maintenance Prevention - Facilities |
Expense |
6445 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for campus facilities. |
Transfer Out- to Capital Reserve |
Expense |
8041 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Capital Reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
Nonexempt - Academic |
Expense |
5310 |
Salary for general non-exempt academic positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Cost of Sales - Food |
Expense |
6000 |
The cost of merchandise sold from food inventory. Use: When using this code in a designated operating account there must be sales revenue corresponding to the cost of sales. |
Academic - Assistant Professor |
Expense |
5020 |
Salary for Assistant professors. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Interdept - Travel - Fleet Garage |
Expense |
6770 |
Expenditures associated with the use of a vehicle from Fleet Operations. Use: Fleet garage, Campus to Campus |
Academic - Faculty Sabbatic Leave-EN |
Expense |
5040 |
Salary for endowed college sabbatical leave payments -- both from University funds and department supplement. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %Salary for sabbatical leave payments -- both from University funds and department supplement. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Depreciation - Art Collection |
Expense |
6300 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Student Hourly - Overtime |
Expense |
5560 |
Overtime payments for undergraduate student wages. Zero fringe rate |
Interdept - Publications Cost |
Expense |
6643 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for publishing services. Cornell providers only. Use: Cornell University Press, etc. |
Pooled Undergraduate Financial Aid |
Expense |
9648 |
Pooled undergraduate financial aid expense distributed to colleges that admit or teach undergraduate students and to units charging non-tuition fees that impact financial aid. |
Interdept - Supplies - Fed Unallowable |
Expense |
6585 |
Expenditures for supplies and materials from another Cornell department that are classified as non recoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Parking permits or hotel charges that are determined to be unallowable. |
Health Insurance - GRA |
Expense |
8635 |
Payment of the student health insurance premium and health fee for CU graduate research assistantships. Normally paid via the Student Financial System (Peoplesoft). Excludes other fees for fellows, professional and non-degree students. Use: GRA health insurance premium and fee. |
Budget - SIP Pool |
Expense |
5490 |
Budget use only. |
Lease - Real Property |
Expense |
6230 |
Lease expenditures for rental property with a signed lease agreement term of one year or greater. Use: Operating leases real property.
Use 6255 for storage units and containers.
For more information refer to |