Payments-Other Institution-Student Study |
Expense |
6165 |
Expenditures for Tuition and fees associated students studying at other Colleges or Universities. The student tuition is recorded in the Cornell bursar using the appropriate tuition object code. This object code is used to pay invoices from the other Institution for either Tuition Paid Out (TPO) or Program Fee Out (PFO).
Use: Units that have students at other Colleges or Universities. |
Cost Share - Acad Non Prof Sal |
Expense |
9921 |
Cost Share object code for ACAD level. System use only |
Cost of Benefits - Salary Continuation |
Expense |
5909 |
Used for payroll generated entries and to record vendor expenses related to various employee salary continuation programs such as workers compensation, unemployment insurance, long term disability and life insurance. DFS/HR use only |
Interdept - CIT Server Farm |
Expense |
6603 |
Server Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Virtual Server |
Expense |
6604 |
Virtual Server charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept Addnl Building Care-Facilities |
Expense |
6466 |
Expenditures for Additional Building Care services provided to campus outside of the Budget Model. Limited to Facilities & Campus Services. |
Subsistence-Program Participant |
Expense |
9094 |
Non-compensatory payments to support subsistence exp to enable an individual's participation in a univ program. Not to be used for employees or where delivery of service is required. For use only on sponsored awards issued prior to the applicability of 2 CFR 200. |
Salary Wage Adjustment |
Expense |
5470 |
Central use only -- not directly used for payroll expense. |
Utilities - Liq Propane Gas Outside Vend |
Expense |
6830 |
Expense for liquid propane gas-outside vendors Use: Liquid Propane purchased from external vendors. I.E. Amerigas, Ehrhart |
Recruitment - Employee |
Expense |
6340 |
Expenditures incurred during the interview process for potential employees. Use: Employee recruitment- Travel, Hosted Meals, Lodging, Advertising |
FIN AID-Stipends - Graduate Fellowship |
Expense |
8100 |
Payment of stipend for CU graduate fellows and trainees. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for professional and non-degree students. Use: graduate fellowship and traineeship stipends |
Nonexempt - Administrative |
Expense |
5300 |
Salary for general non-exempt staff positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution. |
Budget - Capital Expense |
Expense |
3995 |
Depreciation - Capital Lease Equipment |
Expense |
6311 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Interdept - Fed Unallowable Svce |
Expense |
6662 |
Expenditures for services from other departments or units within the university that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Advertising, printing, catering, etc. for unallowable events. |
Fees - Real Property Insurance |
Expense |
6170 |
Expenditures for insurance premium fees to outside brokers on real property. Use: External vendors |
Academic - Special Professor |
Expense |
5025 |
For long term, non-tenure track, benefits-eligible faculty who serve an essential teaching function in a clinical setting. Used in the following job codes: 11311, 11313, 11314, 11461, 11462, 11463, 11656 and 11657.
While faculty members of this rank may have additional research, service, or outreach obligations, teaching is their primary responsibility. The title may not be used for positions whose responsibilities largely replicate those of tenure-track faculty. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |
Budget - Cost Share PROF level |
Expense |
9922 |
Budget use only: Plan for Professional Cost Share. |
Cost of Benefits - Education |
Expense |
5910 |
Used for Bursar system generated entries related to the University's expense for the Employee Degree Program (EDP). DFS/HR use only. |
Cost of Benefits - Other Programs |
Expense |
5912 |
Used for various fringe benefit expenses such as childcare expenses, CLASP Funding, retiree events, and employee service awards. DFS/HR use only. |