Services - Credit Card Fees |
Expense |
6670 |
Expenditures for transaction fees charged by credit card companies. Use: Fees charged by credit card companies for accepting credit card transactions. |
Services - Custodial |
Expense |
6720 |
Expenditures for cleaning services. Use: External cleaning services such as Daisy Maid, Bailey Custodial, etc. |
Services - Federal Unallowable |
Expense |
6740 |
Expenditures for services that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Advertising, Alumni services, Printing, etc. |
Services - Hazardous Materials Removal |
Expense |
6715 |
Facilities use only. Used for removal of hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, chemicals, etc. by external vendors. |
Services - Honorarium - Fed Unallowable |
Expense |
6730 |
Unsolicited payment for services. Federally unallowable Use: Voluntary speaker fees, voluntary hosting fee (e.g. farm visit where no fee is expected) |
Services - Independent Contractor |
Expense |
6620 |
Expenditures for professional services from independent contractors, including related travel and subsistence expenses. Use: Must have signed independent contractor/consultant agreement. |
Services - Laundry |
Expense |
6690 |
Expenditures for uniform and linen cleaning. Use: Lab coats, linen, uniforms, etc. |
Services - Legal Services |
Expense |
6621 |
Expenditures for legal services, including related travel and subsistence expenses that are paid directly. Use: Legal fees for outside legal services. |
Services - Medical and Health Care |
Expense |
6624 |
Expenditures for medical services provided by outside vendors. Use: Contractual agreements with medical providers to cover students medical needs off campus. i.e Cornell in Washington. Any medical expenses related to travel should be coded to travel, 6750/6760. |
Services - Misc. |
Expense |
6735 |
Any services that can't be categorized in any other service object code. Use: All other external services that do not fit in any other service category. |
Services - Performers |
Expense |
6615 |
Expenditures for entertainers and performers. Must have completed and signed performer contract. Use not limited. |
Services - Publications Cost |
Expense |
6641 |
Expenditures for publishing. Use: Page charges |
Services - Royalties |
Expense |
6623 |
Expenditures for royalty payments Use: Royalty expense is derived from the purchase of an asset, intellectual property or copyrighted materials. |
Services - Safety |
Expense |
6700 |
Expenditures for external safety services such as Ithaca police, Ithaca fire department, etc. Use: Safety services provided for traffic control |
Services - Speaker Fees |
Expense |
6731 |
Payments to speakers or advisory boards pursuant to a written agreement for such services to be provided. Not to be used for Cornell employees or voluntary honorarium. Use: Contracted speaker fees (invoiced), advisory board. |
Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Expense |
6710 |
Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Services -Marketing/Advertise FedUnallow |
Expense |
6745 |
Expenditures for Marketing and Advertising. These services are classified as nonrecoverable according to 2 CFR 200. Use: Marketing and Advertising used to promote events and programs at Cornell. Not to be used for course listing. |
Services-Spons Subs $25K and under |
Expense |
6660 |
Expenditures for work contracted for research or development only. This code is included in the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. This code is used for the first $25,000. Use: For use in grants and contracts accounts only. Sub contract agreement through OSP is needed. |
Services-Spons Subs over $25K |
Expense |
6650 |
Expenditures for work contracted for research or development only. This code is excluded from the calculation of MTDC indirect costs. The first $25,000 paid on a subcontract is recorded with object code 6660. Use: For use in grants and contracts accounts only. Sub contract agreement through OSP is needed. |
Liability |
2218 |
Use to record claims incurred but not yet reported for student health plan use only |