FIN AID-Stipends - Non-Degree |
Expense |
8462 |
Payment of financial aid stipends for CU non-degree students. May be paid via the Student Financial System or other means. Excludes payments for degree students. Use: non-degree stipends. |
FIN AID-Stipends - Professional Student |
Expense |
8500 |
Payment of financial aid stipends for CU professional students (e.g. MBA, Law, DVM, M.Eng., MILR, MMH, etc.). Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree students. Use: professional school stipends. |
FIN AID-Stipends - Undergraduate |
Expense |
8463 |
Payment of financial aid stipends for CU undergraduate students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree students. Use: undergraduate stipends. |
FIN AID-Tuition & Fees - Grad Fellowship |
Expense |
8120 |
Payment of tuition and fees for CU graduate fellows and trainees. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes health insurance fee and payments for professional and non-degree students. Use: graduate fellowship and trainee tuition. |
FIN AID-Tuition - Non-Degree |
Expense |
8460 |
Payment of tuition for CU non-degree students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for degree students. Use: non-degree tuition. |
FIN AID-Tuition - Professional Student |
Expense |
8520 |
Payment of tuition for CU professional students (e.g. MBA, Law, DVM, M.Eng., MILR, MMH, etc.). Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree or other graduate students. Use: professional school tuition. |
FIN AID-Tuition - Undergraduate |
Expense |
8200 |
Payment of tuition for CU undergraduate students. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree students. Use: undergraduate tuition. |
Finance Lease -Equipment |
Expense |
3730 |
Used when acquiring or recording equipment leases that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Finance Lease -Real Estate |
Expense |
3735 |
Used when acquiring or recording real estate leases that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Finance Lease -Vehicles |
Expense |
3745 |
Used when acquiring or recording vehicle leases that exceed the capital threshold. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Finance Lease Liability Equipment |
Liability |
2261 |
Used to record Financial Lease Equipment activity. DFS Use Only. |
Finance Lease Liability Real Estate |
Liability |
2260 |
Used to record Finance Lease Real Estate activity. DFS Use Only. |
Food - Non-travel business |
Expense |
6260 |
Expenditures for food and beverages. Do not use on Contract & Grant accounts unless budgeted in the award. Use: This code must not be used to record expenditures for planned activities such as dedications, conferences, formal dinners, or food while traveling. |
Fund Balance Object code |
Fund Balance |
3190 |
This object code represents the fund balance carried forward from a prior year to the current year. The prior year is calculated as: last year beginning fund balance, plus last year income, less last year expenses. |
Funds Held In Trust For Others |
Liability |
2410 |
Use: Limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Gain on Sale of Assets |
Income |
4800 |
Proceeds from the sale of University owned capital or non-capital assets. Use: Used for the gains on a sale of a capital or non-capital asset to an entity outside the University. Use 4850 for internal sales. |
Gain/Loss Debt Swap |
Income |
3215 |
DFS USE ONLY. Used to record the Fair Market Value of the Debt Swaps. |
Gift In Kind - Contribution |
Income |
4350 |
Donors' gifts of tangible personal property that does not qualify as capital (books, art, equipment, etc.). Limited to Office of Alumni Affairs |
Gift In Kind - Non Capital Expense |
Expense |
6410 |
Non Capital expense offset to Gift in Kind income. Use: This code must always be in balance with the gift income object code |
Gifts - Indirect Cost |
Income |
4270 |
University-authorized fees assessed against certain gifts. Limited to University Controller |