Appropriation - NYS LastYrGross Budget |
Income |
4450 |
Budget New York State appropriations (last year gross) for the contract colleges that are recorded in the New York State Clearing Account and the Income and Allocation Accounts of the contract college units. Limited to University Controller, Budget Office |
Budget - CG Limitation of Funds |
Expense |
6905 |
Budget C&G: Used to record limitations of funding by an agency/sponsor. The line item budget is entered as proposed and the limitation is recorded as a negative on 6905. i.e. We may budget $500,000, but the agency may only award $350,000 at this time and then provide the $150,000 at a future date. |
Budget - CG Participant Support Costs |
Expense |
6915 |
Budget C&G: Used to budget Participant Support Costs for sponsored agreements. Use: Budget only. |
Land |
Asset |
1800 |
Asset, balance represents value of university's land holdings Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Equipment - Computer |
Asset |
1882 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquistion value of university's computer equipment Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Equipment Vehicles |
Asset |
1880 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's vehicles Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Equipment Software |
Asset |
1884 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's software systems Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Equipment - Moveable |
Asset |
1870 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's moveable equipment Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Leasehold Improvements |
Asset |
1821 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's leasehold improvements Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Improvements not Buildings |
Asset |
1820 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's improvements other than buildings Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Equipment - Fixed |
Asset |
1840 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's fixed equipment Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Books |
Asset |
1850 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's cataloged library books Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Buildings |
Asset |
1810 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's buildings & Fixed equipment Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Art & Collections |
Asset |
1860 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's artworks at the Johnson Museum Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Real Estate - Finance Lease |
Asset |
1893 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value for finance (formerly capital) real estate leases. Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition object codes (level CAPA) are used. |
Equipment - Finance Lease |
Asset |
1891 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value for finance (formerly capital) equipment leases excluding vehicles and computers. Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition object codes (level CAPA) are used. |
Computer - Finance Lease |
Asset |
1895 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value for finance (formerly capital) computer leases. Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition object codes (level CAPA) are used. |
Vehicles - Capital Lease |
Asset |
1897 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value for capital vehicles leases. Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition object codes (level CAPA) are used. |
Operating Loan AcctRec |
Asset |
1272 |
Asset related to internal operating loans. Use: Restricted for DFS use only. |
Internal Loan AcctRec -Noncapital |
Asset |
1271 |
Asset related to internal department loans, non-capital projects. Use: Restricted for DFS use only. |