Deposits in Transit/CC Receivable |
Asset |
1290 |
Used to temporarily hold credit card receivables. Should not be used for most credit card transactions as they are considered income as soon as they are received and should be booked to a revenue object code. |
Transfer In - University Space Fee |
Income |
7087 |
Used to record the University Space Fee in a Central Account. Must be used with 8087. |
Transfer Out - University Space Fee |
Expense |
8087 |
Used to record the University Space Fee from Colleges/Units. Must be used with 7087. |
Loan - Cancelled/Forgiven |
Expense |
8320 |
Used to record student loans cancelled/forgiven, use restricted to Bursar and Law School. |
Finance Lease Liability Equipment |
Liability |
2261 |
Used to record Financial Lease Equipment activity. DFS Use Only. |
Finance Lease Liability Real Estate |
Liability |
2260 |
Used to record Finance Lease Real Estate activity. DFS Use Only. |
Benefits - Employee CU Tuition - Ugrad |
Expense |
5937 |
Used to record expenses related to undergraduate studies under the Tuition Assistance Program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central use only. |
Benefits - CCTS - Undergraduate |
Expense |
5931 |
Used to record expenses related to undergraduate studies under the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship program. Bursar generated and manual. Central Use Only. |
Benefits - CCTS - Summer Session |
Expense |
5932 |
Used to record expenses related to summer session studies under the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship program. Bursar generated and manual. Central Use Only. |
Benefits - Employee CU Tuition - Grad |
Expense |
5938 |
Used to record expenses related to graduate studies under the Tuition Assistance Program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central use only. |
Benefits - CCTS - Graduate |
Expense |
5930 |
Used to record expenses related to graduate studies under the Cornell Children's Tuition Scholarship program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central Use Only. |
Amortization - Capital Lease/Rent |
Expense |
6280 |
Used to recognize the equity for the asset in the Net Investment in Plant fund as capital lease payments are made. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs |
Benefits - Adjustments |
Expense |
5630 |
Used to process employee benefit adjustments. DFS use only. |
F & A Return |
Income |
4295 |
Used to move the 2% from the account in which the F&A recovery was originally placed into the PI/Co-PI's account provided to SFS. Both the debit and credit on the transaction will be on object code 4295. |
Transfer Out - to Capital Long Term |
Expense |
8057 |
Used to move funds to the non-operating, capital long-term fund, part of the strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer In - from Capital Long-Term |
Income |
7057 |
Used to move funds from the non-operating, capital long-term fund, part of the strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer In - from Contingency |
Income |
7056 |
Used to move funds from non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Transfer Out - to Contingency |
Expense |
8056 |
Used to move contingency funds to non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund. |
University Allocated Costs |
Expense |
9050 |
Used to distribute the University Allocation changed to Units/Colleges. Must always net to zero. Use university Budget Office only . To redistribute allocation to departments use 9051. |
Budget - General Expense |
Expense |
6900 |
Used to budget general expense where detail is not required. Use: Budget only. |