Supplies - Lab/Project |
Expense |
6540 |
Expenditures for laboratory supplies and materials, including animals required for laboratory use, food for these animals, related chemicals, and related glassware Use: Not limited. |
Interdept - Lab Supply & Material |
Expense |
6545 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for laboratory supplies and materials. Use: Lab Supplies including related chemicals, and glassware, animals required for laboratory use, including food for these animals. |
Supplies - Office |
Expense |
6550 |
Expenditures for office supplies and materials, including staplers, pencils, paper, pens, calculators, toner cartridge and writing tablets. Use: not limited |
Supplies - Other |
Expense |
6555 |
Expenditures for any other supplies not included in 65xx descriptions. Use: Any other supplies that can't be classified in any other supplies category. |
Supplies - Durable |
Expense |
6560 |
Expenditures for supplies with a useful life of two or more years and cost less than $5,000.00. Use: Chairs, tables, microwave, microscope, whiteboard, safety equipment, etc. Items coded 6560 are not recognized as capital. |
Supplies - Equip L/T Cap Threshold |
Expense |
6561 |
Equipment purchased that costs less than the capital threshold but is required to be inventoried. (Example: Jet Propulsion Laboratory requires equipment purchased >= $1,000 be inventoried. Use object code 6561 and request that the item be tagged.) |
Modular Furniture- Non-Capital |
Expense |
6562 |
Expenditures for modular components that make up a work area. Examples include panels, work surfaces, drawers, and overhead shelves. Individual components that cost less than $5,000 are not capital assets and should be expended when purchased. Individual components costing $5,000 or more should be identified with a bar code tag and capitalized as a piece of moveable equipment. Use: All components of modular furniture. |
Maint Routine - Equip |
Expense |
6565 |
Expenditures for repairs and maintenance necessary for the continued operation of equipment. e.g., oil change for vehicles. Use: |
Supplies - Food Service Paper Goods |
Expense |
6570 |
Expenditures for Paper Goods for food service operations. Use: This code should only be used by departments providing food service. |
Interdept - Supplies -Computer & Related |
Expense |
6575 |
Expenditures for computers, supplies and materials and peripherals from another Cornell department. Use: Computers and related equipment such as computer, monitors, desktop printers, external hard drive, keyboard & mouse, audio & video equip., etc. |
Supplies - Computer & Related |
Expense |
6580 |
Expenditures for computers, supplies and materials and peripherals. This should include site licenses and software maintenance contracts. Use: Computers and related equipment such as computer, monitors, desktop printers, external hard drive, keyboard & mouse, audio & video equip., etc. |
Interdept - Supplies - Fed Unallowable |
Expense |
6585 |
Expenditures for supplies and materials from another Cornell department that are classified as non recoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Parking permits or hotel charges that are determined to be unallowable. |
Supplies - Fed Unallowable |
Expense |
6590 |
Expenditures for supplies and materials that are classified as no recoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). |
Services - Computer |
Expense |
6600 |
Expenditures for managed computer services performed by external vendors. See also 6617 Cloud Computing Services and 6618 Software as a Service.
Use: Services for computers, storage, application management, etc. from external vendors. |
Interdept - CIT Back-up Services |
Expense |
6601 |
CIT backup services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Storage Farm |
Expense |
6602 |
Storage Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Server Farm |
Expense |
6603 |
Server Farm charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Virtual Server |
Expense |
6604 |
Virtual Server charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT Internal Services |
Expense |
6605 |
Internal Services charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |
Interdept - CIT CU Print |
Expense |
6606 |
CU Print charge from CIT Use: Use limited to CIT. |