Interdept Maint Prevent - Facilities |
Expense |
6440 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code. |
Nonexempt - Administrative Min Rate |
Expense |
5305 |
Salary for short term, non benefit-eligible general non-exempt staff positions not otherwise categorized. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |
Services - Misc. |
Expense |
6735 |
Any services that can't be categorized in any other service object code. Use: All other external services that do not fit in any other service category. |
Academic - Associate Professor |
Expense |
5010 |
Salary for Associate professors. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Academic - Faculty Sabbatic Leave-EN |
Expense |
5040 |
Salary for endowed college sabbatical leave payments -- both from University funds and department supplement. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %Salary for sabbatical leave payments -- both from University funds and department supplement. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Capital Acq - Library Books |
Expense |
3600 |
LIBRARY USE ONLY. Used when acquiring cataloged library materials, will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Other units should use object code 3630 when purchasing books. |
Participant Support-Stipend/Subsistence |
Expense |
9096 |
Non-compensatory stipend or subsistence payment to enable an individual's participation in a formal university conference or training project as defined in 2 CFR 200.75. Example REU, MARC, RET programs. Excluded from MTDC. Not to be used for payments to visitors, employees, or where delivery of service is required. |
Fees - Equipment Insurance |
Expense |
6180 |
Expenditures for fees for non-vehicular equipment. Use: External vendors |
Interdept - Supplies - Fed Unallowable |
Expense |
6585 |
Expenditures for supplies and materials from another Cornell department that are classified as non recoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Parking permits or hotel charges that are determined to be unallowable. |
FIN AID-Tuition & Fees - Grad Fellowship |
Expense |
8120 |
Payment of tuition and fees for CU graduate fellows and trainees. Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes health insurance fee and payments for professional and non-degree students. Use: graduate fellowship and trainee tuition. |
Budget - SIP Pool |
Expense |
5490 |
Budget use only. |
Budget - CG Unexpended - DFS Use Only |
Expense |
6925 |
DFS Use Only- Contract and grant funds that are authorized but unexpended. Provides reporting on how much units/faculty have not spent. |
Cost of Benefits: Employee/Dept Contribu |
Expense |
5920 |
To record employee or departmental contribution to university-provided employee benefits. For example: employee contributions or COBRA payments to health insurance premiums. These expense reimbursements will normally be made to a university benefit pool account. |
Cost Share - Professional Sal |
Expense |
9924 |
Cost Share object code for NAEX level. System use only. |
Maintenance Prevention - Facilities |
Expense |
6445 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: External providers of preventative maintenance services for campus facilities. |
Nonexempt - Academic |
Expense |
5310 |
Salary for general non-exempt academic positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Services - Federal Unallowable |
Expense |
6740 |
Expenditures for services that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Advertising, Alumni services, Printing, etc. |
Academic - Assistant Professor |
Expense |
5020 |
Salary for Assistant professors. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Academic - Faculty Sabbatic Leave-CC |
Expense |
5041 |
Salary for contract college sabbatical leave payments -- both from University funds and department supplement. Zero fringe rate. |
Capital Acq - Rare Books |
Expense |
3605 |
LIBRARY USE ONLY. Used when acquiring cataloged library materials, will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Other units should use object code 3630 when purchasing books. |