Budget-Grad Teaching Res Special (GTRS) |
Expense |
5552 |
Budget use only: Plan for GTRS - Grad Teaching Research Special. |
Budget - General S&W - No Benefits |
Expense |
5390 |
Budget use only. To budget salary and wages with no benefits. |
Services - Publications Cost |
Expense |
6641 |
Expenditures for publishing. Use: Page charges |
Depreciation - Capital Lease Equipment |
Expense |
6311 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Academic - Professional |
Expense |
5160 |
Salary for academic professionals (President, provosts, deans, fellows, other University officers). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Supplies - Computer & Related |
Expense |
6580 |
Expenditures for computers, supplies and materials and peripherals. This should include site licenses and software maintenance contracts. Use: Computers and related equipment such as computer, monitors, desktop printers, external hard drive, keyboard & mouse, audio & video equip., etc. |
Cost Share - Student Assist |
Expense |
9923 |
Cost Share object code for STDT level. System use only |
Lease - Equipment |
Expense |
6220 |
Lease expenditures on equipment with a signed lease agreement term of one year or greater. Any leased equipment including research and lab equipment. Any security deposits should be booked to 1630 and reversed at the end of the lease.
For more information refer to https://www.finance.cornell.edu/accounting/topics/lease-classification. |
Interdept Maint Prevent - Facilities |
Expense |
6440 |
Scheduled activities to insure regulatory compliance, or keep a building system operating, or extend the useful life of a component, or improve reliability of the building system or component. Preventive maintenance costs should not be capitalized. Use: Facilities is the primary user of this code. |
SUNY Spec - Computers |
Expense |
6935 |
Expenditures, for computer equipment that is not software, that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 512X. Use: SUNY only |
University Support Pool |
Expense |
9055 |
University Support Pool (USP) Tax assessed against undergraduate, professional, and non-degree tuition and funds a central source used for strategic initiative and priorities and Provost allocations. |
Budget - Benefits - CCTS - Undergraduate |
Expense |
5940 |
Budget use only: Plan for CCTS related to Undergraduate expenses. |
Budget - Research Assistant, Grad (RA) |
Expense |
5545 |
Budget Use Only. Salary for Research Assistant positions only (job profile code 10819). Zero fringe rate |
Travel, Foreign, Student,Mission-related |
Expense |
6762 |
Expenditures for foreign travel that the university considers to be travel outside the fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For class trip or mission related educational travel of students, normally paid through the travel reimbursement process. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. Not for Business-related travel, nor student travel grants. See policy 3.2 for further details. |
Transfer Out - Intrafund |
Expense |
8070 |
Used in the account providing funds; accounts on both sides of transfer are in same FUND group (i.e. GN to GN, RG to RG). This object code must always be used with 7070. |
Student Hourly - Regular |
Expense |
5555 |
Undergraduate student regular wages. Zero fringe rate |
Budget-General S&W-No Benefits-Coop Ext |
Expense |
5393 |
Budget Use only. To budget salary and wages with no benefits for Cooperative Extension only. |
Interdept - Copy & Printing Svcs |
Expense |
6642 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for printing and duplicating services. Cornell providers only. Use: Campus Store, CU Printshop, departmental copy charges, etc. |
Depreciation - Capital Lease Real Estate |
Expense |
6312 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Capital Acq - Library Books |
Expense |
3600 |
LIBRARY USE ONLY. Used when acquiring cataloged library materials, will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Other units should use object code 3630 when purchasing books. |