Travel - Foreign |
Expense |
6760 |
Expenditures for foreign travel that the university considers to be travel outside the fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For travel funded by a sponsored project, consult the contractual documents for the sponsor's definition of foreign. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. |
Communication - Data |
Expense |
6130 |
Data/internet related charges (Roadrunner, Fios, Comcast, etc.) Use: External vendors |
Budget - Temporary Employee Full Benefit |
Expense |
5415 |
Budget use only. Salary and wages for certain Benefits-Only positions (e.g. decedent spouse; long-term disability). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Benefits - Adjustments |
Expense |
5630 |
Used to process employee benefit adjustments. DFS use only. |
Extension Association - Professional |
Expense |
5256 |
CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION USE ONLY. Salary for NYS Extension Association professional staff (directors, educators, etc.). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Supplies - Food Service Paper Goods |
Expense |
6570 |
Expenditures for Paper Goods for food service operations. Use: This code should only be used by departments providing food service. |
Capitalized Interest Expense |
Expense |
6923 |
The Interest added to the cost of a self-constructed, long-term asset. The interest on debt used to finance the asset's construction Use: Plant Accounting only |
Capital Construction-Moveable Equipment |
Expense |
3975 |
For use only in accounts with a sub-fund group code of PLCIP or PLSUCF. Used to record Moveable Equipment (easily transportable equipment) purchased in a construction project account. |
FIN AID-Tuition - Professional Student |
Expense |
8520 |
Payment of tuition for CU professional students (e.g. MBA, Law, DVM, M.Eng., MILR, MMH, etc.). Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree or other graduate students. Use: professional school tuition. |
Federal Unallowable - Miscellaneous |
Expense |
6430 |
Expenditures for all purposes not defined above, that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: All other unallowable expenses |
Internal Interest CCNY |
Expense |
6930 |
Monthly interest expense related to CCNY internal loans. DFS use only. |
Interdept - Fuel |
Expense |
6435 |
Fuel billing for fleet garage Use: Billing from Transportation Services |
Internal Interest Hudson JV |
Expense |
6931 |
Monthly interest expense related to Hudson Cornell Residential JV (Joint Venture) LLC. DFS use only. |
Cost Share - FAOT |
Expense |
9936 |
Cost Share object code for NOIX level. System use only. |
C&G Exp Adjustment - DFS Use Only |
Expense |
6325 |
Expenditure adjustment upon closeout of Contract and Grant project. Excluded from indirect cost recovery. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Services. |
Transfer Out - to Capital Projects/CIP |
Expense |
8035 |
Used in either an operating or a reserve account that is providing funds for a capital project (PLCIP/PLSUCF). |
Travel - Foreign (non-employee) |
Expense |
6761 |
Expenditures for non employee foreign travel outside the
fifty states, its possessions, or its territories. Use: For travel funded by a sponsored project, consult the contractual documents for the sponsor's definition of foreign. All fees associated with a trip should be charged to the travel object code. |
Interdept CIT- NUBB |
Expense |
6135 |
Data related usage from CIT (Annual NUBB billing). Use: CIT only (Network Usage Based Billing) |
Compensation - Other Bonus Full Bene |
Expense |
5420 |
Work-related or other additional bonus compensation. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Services - Publications Cost |
Expense |
6641 |
Expenditures for publishing. Use: Page charges |