Capital Acq - Fixed Equipment |
Expense |
3620 |
Used when acquiring fixed capital equipment. Fixed equipment is non-moveable, permanently attached. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Utilities - Electrical Outside Vendor |
Expense |
6875 |
Expense for electiric-outside vendors Use: Electric purchased from external vendors. I.E. NYSEG, RG&E, ConEdison |
Employee Training & Registration Fees |
Expense |
6355 |
Expenditures for employees to attend external workshops, seminars and other educational activities outside Cornell. Use 6356 for Cornell workshops/training. Use: Use for outside professional development including continuing education, TC3, CPA units, etc. University-sponsored workshops, seminars and other educational activities for employees should be coded 6356. |
Library On-Line Annual Subscription |
Expense |
6155 |
Expenditures for on-line, cataloged, library materials for which access expires within one year if not renewed (non-capital). Use limited to university libraries. |
Student Federal Work Study-Amer Counts |
Expense |
5585 |
Undergraduate student regular wages funded by Federal Work Study America Counts outreach program. Zero fringe rate |
Interdept - Services - Safety |
Expense |
6705 |
Expenditures for services of the University Police, Environmental Health & Safety or any safety-related service provided by Cornell to colleges or units on campus Use: University Police, Environmental Health & Safety |
FIN AID-Stipends - Professional Student |
Expense |
8500 |
Payment of financial aid stipends for CU professional students (e.g. MBA, Law, DVM, M.Eng., MILR, MMH, etc.). Normally paid via the Student Financial System. Excludes payments for non-degree students. Use: professional school stipends. |
Benefits - Transportation Subsidy |
Expense |
5908 |
Used for payroll generated entries for the university's expense related to the NY MTA tax and other transportation subsidies offered to employees. |
Cost Share - Salary and Wages Other |
Expense |
9931 |
Cost Share object code for SWOT level. System use only. |
Budget - Union SIP |
Expense |
5494 |
Budget use only. |
Transfer Out - to True Endowment |
Expense |
8020 |
AAD/DFS USE ONLY. Used in trust or CU Foundation accounts when funds are designated for a true endowment. |
Cloud Computing Services |
Expense |
6617 |
Computing, storage, and application platform resources hosted by an external vendor (also see 6618 Software as a Service).
Use: Expenses for the provision of computing hardware and/or storage resources, dedicated to Cornell, but resides in a 3rd party data center. Some level of software platform, such as database or webserver and support may be provided by the vendor, but most application support is provided by Cornell. Examples include AWS, Azure, Pantheon, Media3. |
Nonexempt - Technical Min Rate |
Expense |
5325 |
Salary for short term, non benefit-eligible general non-exempt technical positions not otherwise categorized. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Maint Corrective - Equip |
Expense |
6487 |
Unanticipated repair of equipment. Use: External providers of repair services or parts for equipment, vehicles, owned copiers, etc. |
Budget - Academic- Summer Salary |
Expense |
5080 |
Budget use only: Salary for summer program faculty for benefits-eligible employees (retirement benefits accrue). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Capital Acq - Moveable Equipment |
Expense |
3630 |
Used when acquiring moveable capital equipment. Moveable equipment is easily transportable. Will generate capitalization entries on asset object code. Will result in a capital asset record in CAM. |
Interdept - Utilities -Exempt Electrical |
Expense |
6879 |
Interdepartmental expense for electricity. Excluded from MTDC. Use limited to CLASSE or with approval by DFS. |
Interdept - Training Program Fees |
Expense |
6356 |
Expenditures for on campus training. (CIT, Human Resources, DFS) Use: Expenditures, including registration fees, for employees or other members of the Cornell community to attend training presented by Cornell. |
Fees - Membership & Subscriptions |
Expense |
6160 |
Expenditures for fees associated with memberships and subscriptions. Use: Can't be used on federal awards |
Student Federal Work Study-Amer Reads |
Expense |
5590 |
Undergraduate student regular wages funded by Federal Work Study America Reads outreach program. Zero fringe rate |