Transfer in-from Restricted Gift -RGGIFT |
Income |
7043 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Restricted Gift (RGGIFT) account. |
F & A Recoveries |
Income |
4290 |
Revenue from overhead charges to federal, various states, and private grants and contracts. Limited to University Controller |
Transfer In-from Renewal & Replacement |
Income |
7040 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Renewal and Replacement Reserve (RVREPL) account. |
Transfer In-from Capital Reserve |
Income |
7041 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Capital Reserve (RVCAPT) account. |
Revenue - Sales of Services |
Income |
4060 |
Sale of Services- Sale of services to external customers. Use not limited |
Transfer In - from General Reserves |
Income |
7045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a general reserve (RVGENL) account. (Also used when a general reserve provides funding for a capital project or is transferred to an FFE.) |
F & A Return |
Income |
4295 |
Used to move the 2% from the account in which the F&A recovery was originally placed into the PI/Co-PI's account provided to SFS. Both the debit and credit on the transaction will be on object code 4295. |
Pledge Change in Balance |
Income |
4310 |
Promises made by donors to make a gift in support of university operations at a future date. Limited to University Controller |
Transfer In-from Plant Gift |
Income |
7042 |
Used in the capital project (PLCIP) account receiving funds from a Plant Gift (PLGIFT) account. |
Revenue-Testing Agreements |
Income |
4062 |
Revenue from product testing performed for external entities pursuant to an authorized agreement. Example: an agreement for Cornell to test the suitability of certain seeds in various locations in NYS. |
NO - Revenue Other |
Income |
3200 |
CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Revenue - Other |
Transfer In - from Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Income |
7046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account receiving funds from a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |
Gifts of Cash |
Income |
4340 |
Donors' gifts of cash. Limited to Office of Alumni Affairs and the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Revenue - Student Insurance Premiums |
Income |
4065 |
Revenue code for Student Health Insurance Premiums. Use limited to Gannett Health Services. |
NO - Realized Gains on Invest |
Income |
3205 |
CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Realized Gains on Investments |
Transfer In - from Medical College |
Income |
7050 |
Used in the operating account receiving funds from Weill Cornell Medical College (C7910XX). |
Alumni Class Dues |
Income |
4345 |
Class Dues received via AA&D gift feed. USE LIMITED TO AA&D. |
Revenue - Real Estate Rental |
Income |
4070 |
Rents paid by external customers for the use of rooms, facilities, university-owned housing, etc. Cornell's Real Estate Department should be involved in rental of any university-owned or university-leased real estate. Use not limited |
Non Operating-Unrealized Gains on Invest |
Income |
3206 |
CENTRAL USE ONLY, Non Oper Unrealized Gains on Investments |
Transfer In - from Contingency |
Income |
7056 |
Used to move funds from non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund |