Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Expense |
6710 |
Services - Trash,Composting, Recycling |
Federal Unallowable - Miscellaneous |
Expense |
6430 |
Expenditures for all purposes not defined above, that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: All other unallowable expenses |
Cost Share - FAGR |
Expense |
9935 |
Cost Share object code for NOER level. System use only. |
University Allocated Costs |
Expense |
9050 |
Used to distribute the University Allocation changed to Units/Colleges. Must always net to zero. Use university Budget Office only . To redistribute allocation to departments use 9051. |
Benefits - Employee CU Tuition - Ugrad |
Expense |
5937 |
Used to record expenses related to undergraduate studies under the Tuition Assistance Program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central use only. |
Transfer Out - to Contingency |
Expense |
8056 |
Used to move contingency funds to non-operating contingency sub-fund program, part of strategic initiatives sub-fund. |
Capital Acq - Gov't Owned Equip |
Expense |
3635 |
Used when acquiring moveable capital equipment whose title does not belong to Cornell. Will not generate capitalization entries, but will create a capital asset record in CAM. |
Interdept - Utilities - Potable Water |
Expense |
6880 |
Interdepartmental expense for potable water Use: Potable Water provided by Cornell generating dept. |
Supplies - Food Service Paper Goods |
Expense |
6570 |
Expenditures for Paper Goods for food service operations. Use: This code should only be used by departments providing food service. |
Cost of Benefits - Sabbatical |
Expense |
5914 |
Used for the university's benefit and salary expense related to faculty on sabbatical leave. Expenses posted to compensation object codes through payroll processing and manually moved to this object code. DFS/UBO use only. |
Salary Wage Adjustment |
Expense |
5470 |
Central use only -- not directly used for payroll expense. |
Lease -Copiers & Multi-Function Printers |
Expense |
6215 |
Lease expenditures for copiers & multi-function printers with a signed lease agreement term of one year or greater. Maintenance agreements on purchased copiers should be charged to 6475.
For more information refer to |
Services - Hazardous Materials Removal |
Expense |
6715 |
Facilities use only. Used for removal of hazardous materials such as asbestos, lead, chemicals, etc. by external vendors. |
Interdept - Fuel |
Expense |
6435 |
Fuel billing for fleet garage Use: Billing from Transportation Services |
Cost Share - FAOT |
Expense |
9936 |
Cost Share object code for NOIX level. System use only. |
Redistribution- Allocated Costs |
Expense |
9051 |
Departmental redistribution of University Allocation Costs (OC 9050) to departments . Activity on this object code must net to zero. |
Nonexempt - Administrative |
Expense |
5300 |
Salary for general non-exempt staff positions not otherwise categorized. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution. |
Benefits - Employee CU Tuition - Grad |
Expense |
5938 |
Used to record expenses related to graduate studies under the Tuition Assistance Program. Bursar generated and manual entries. Central use only. |
Transfer Out - to Capital Long Term |
Expense |
8057 |
Used to move funds to the non-operating, capital long-term fund, part of the strategic initiatives sub-fund |
Academic - Special Professor |
Expense |
5025 |
For long term, non-tenure track, benefits-eligible faculty who serve an essential teaching function in a clinical setting. Used in the following job codes: 11311, 11313, 11314, 11461, 11462, 11463, 11656 and 11657.
While faculty members of this rank may have additional research, service, or outreach obligations, teaching is their primary responsibility. The title may not be used for positions whose responsibilities largely replicate those of tenure-track faculty. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |