Regulations and sound business practices encourage competitive sourcing. In certain instances, defined below, sourcing has already been performed or, due to administrative costs, formal competition does not provide a savings. Where competition may not be feasible due to the single source/sole source nature of a commodity or a particular specification, a written justification is required and reasonableness of price must be established. Use the single/sole source justification form wizard below for orders that would otherwise require competitive bids, as follows:
- Orders over $10,000 for federal contracts governed by the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).
- Orders over $25,000 for all funds, including grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements (except FAR-governed contracts above).
By completing this form, you are stating that, to your knowledge, there is no other source for this item.
You do not need to complete this form wizard if:
- The total dollar amount of the requisition is less than or equal to $25,000 or less than $10,000 for federally funded contracts, per the procurement policy.
- The item was bid by Cornell Procurement Services. Include the bid number on the requisition or iWant document. Additional written justification is required if the low bidder is not selected.
- The items quoted are from the New York state contract or GSA contract. Please include the contract number on the requisition or iWant document.
- The vendor is a preferred or contract supplier for the items on the requisition.
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