If your vendor is international (i.e., an individual working outside the U.S. or a foreign entity performing work within or outside of the U.S.), see International Agreements at the bottom of this page.
Check the list of limited-engagement services (such as catering) below to see if there is a specific process for the service you need.
For all other services, including independent contractors and consultants, see All Other Services below.
These services generally are one-time, finite and fixed services, such as photography, that last less than 12 months. A service provider evaluation is not required.
For all the limited-engagement services below:
Service Provider Type | Procurement Method | Recommended Object Codes | Cornell Template | Insurance Requirements |
Catering, Event Space Rental1 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | None | Standard requirements apply.1 |
Entertainment events held in major public places | I Want Doc/Disbursement Voucher | Consult the Office of University Counsel regarding a contract. | ||
Language translation and interpretation (including sign language) | I Want Doc/Disbursement voucher | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | None | None |
Performers with equipment1 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6615-Services-Performers | None | Standard requirements apply.1 |
Performers without equipment3 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6615-Services-Performers | None | Standard requirements apply. |
Photographer, artist, illustrator2 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | Usage Rights Addendum to PO signed by the service provider only. | Standard requirements apply. |
Transcription services | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | IT Professional Services Agreement (if not using preferred supplier) | Standard requirements apply. |
Workshops | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | None | Standard requirements apply. |
Videographer2 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | Work for Hire Addendum to PO | Standard requirements apply. |
Writer, editor, indexer2 | I Want Doc/Purchase order | 6610-Services-Corp 6620-Services-IC | Work for Hire Addendum to PO | Standard requirements apply. |
The following types of limited-engagement activities require an addendum. Attach the addendum to the I Want document (it will then be attached to the purchase order).
Before engaging a service provider, IRS guidelines require you to evaluate whether the individual or entity providing the service should be classified as an employee or an independent contractor (vendor). The evaluation and classification must be performed before engaging an individual or entity to perform services and before any services begin.
Send the Service Provider Questionnaire (PDF) to the provider. This form helps Cornell evaluate the provider's independent contractor status based on IRS guidelines. The provider will identify its ownership type as entity or individual.
After the provider returns the completed questionnaire:
If the service provider is an entity or an independent contractor:
If the service provider is an employee:
A purchase order must be issued for these agreements before services can begin.
To initiate a purchase order:
A procurement agent will review, negotiate redlines, sign the completed agreement on behalf of Cornell, and issue the purchase order.
Professional Services Agreement (PDF): Use this contract to address tax, liability, and contract terms and conditions.
IT Professional Services Agreement (PDF): Use this contract for IT-related services to address tax, liability, and contract terms and conditions. The language is written specifically for information technology companies that may provide web design, web development, or custom software services. For software and cloud services, please submit the supplier’s contract with your I Want document for review by Procurement Services.
Amendment to Professional Services Agreement (PDF): Use this form to amend the original Professional Services Agreement or the IT Professional Services Agreement (e.g., extend dates, revise scope of work).
Executive Search Firm Agreement Template, rev. July 2023 (DOC)
Use this agreement template when engaging an executive search firm and attach the firm's statement of work. A purchase order is required. Submit the completed and signed agreement with the I Want document to the Shared Services Center. These services are exempt from bid and do not require a single-/sole-source justification form unless contract, grant, or federal funds are used to pay for the service.
Work performed overseas can present a range of legal, financial, safety, and logistical considerations that create complications and could add expenses. Consideration also must be given to whether the arrangement could trigger corporate registration or licensing requirements that may result in additional financial or regulatory obligations in the host country.
Use the International Independent Consultant Agreement (PDF) for foreign entities working within and outside the U.S. to address tax, liability, and contract terms and conditions.