Procurement Services made the following updates to the Buying Manual on September 15, 2023:
Added clarification on review and approval process if a guest speaker presents a contract.
A new $2,500 procurement card (pcard) limit is now available in addition to the existing $500 and $1,500 limits. The documentation requirements for business expenses paid on pcard have been expanded to explicitly include purchases, credits, disputed transactions, and fraudulent transactions. The pcard application approval process has been streamlined by requiring only supervisor and administrative manager approval. Please review the revisions to sections 300-308.
Please review the new prohibitions for gasoline for personal and rented vehicles, lates fees/fines/collection agencies, and services requiring a contract.
Given the recent inflationary pressures, we are raising the e-SHOP automatic purchase order limit to $2,500. The new limit is reflected in sections 400-403.
Examples of order confirmations (with no terms and conditions) that can be signed by the end user (campus customer) have been added to this section.
These sections have been updated to reflect the new name for Environment, Health and Safety and provide the support link to askEHS.
The tables for catering and event space rental have been updated to explicitly define the payments allowed on service center procurement cards. These payments remain prohibited on individual procurement cards.
These sections have been updated to reflect the new name for Environment, Health and Safety and provide the support link to askEHS.