There were several updates to the Buying Manual effective December 8, 2017. A brief description of the changes follows.
We have reduced the number of “preferred” suppliers that campus customers are required to use in accordance with University Policy 3.25, Procurement of Goods and Services. This change provides faculty and staff members with increased flexibility and freedom to select suppliers to meet their needs. We continue to provide access to contract suppliers, who have participated in a competitive bid process, and for convenience and ease of use, to suppliers with negotiated pricing agreements, which include terms and conditions and verified insurance. Suppliers with negotiated pricing agreements are not exempt from bid requirements for purchases over the university bid limit of $10,000. Please see the corresponding Buying Manual changes.
In addition, Section 203, Payment by Disbursement Voucher has additional information about required approvals for advertisements (per University Policy 4.10) and for donations (per Community Relations), and Section 205, Vendor Setup has information on the associated documentation needed for vendor setup. Donations will be prohibited on procurement card (Section 302) to ensure proper accounting and tracking of donations.
Other minor updates include:
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your center director or email us at