If when trying to log in to e-SHOP, you see a screen that reads, "The application was unable to route the session back to the login page," you are most likely using an old e-SHOP link.
Please update your bookmark or access the e-SHOP link from the KFS Main Menu tab, under Purchasing/Accounts Payable in the Transaction e-docs.
When we loaded users and their access rights into KFS, we used a snapshot (around the end of April) of existing e-SHOP users. If you were granted access to e-SHOP in May or June 2011, it is possible that your access was not converted to KFS. You will need to contact your unit's authorizers to reestablish your e-SHOP access. See the list of approved authorizers by business service center.
Also, please remember that your old e-SHOP login and password are no longer valid. You now must use your Cornell NetID and password.
The "permissions" are set up to enable e-SHOP users to use the look-up and return functions for various items like chart, account, building, vendor, commodity code, etc.). Usually, the information returned in the search is sufficient to allow the user to make the appropriate selection (by clicking on "return value"). Currently, however, e-SHOP users (and other individuals who are not KFS users) cannot perform a direct inquiry on the actual value (by clicking on the value itself). If you receive this error, just close the Incident Report page, and continue your transaction. Please do not submit the Incident Report - the application is working as it should (though perhaps not the way we would like it to work). If you are unsure that you have selected the right value, please contact your in-house expert for guidance. If you believe that you actually should have the KFS user role (which is required to create other types of transactions other than e-SHOP purchases), please follow the KFS access instructions.
Mozilla Firefox Internet browser should be used to access KFS. If you use a Macintosh, you should never use Safari, as this browser is known to cause problems with KFS and e-SHOP. For more information, see the KFS Browser Requirements page.
It may be necessary to abbreviate some information to ensure that all information is entered.
The “action list” button is found on the top, left-hand side of the KFS Main Menu screen.
In KFS, all e-docs routed to you through workflow will appear in your action list, as well as any e-docs that you have started and saved. The “Status” column will tell you where the e-doc is in the workflow. The “Action Requested” column will tell you what you need to do with a specific e-doc.
There is a business rule in KFS that prohibits users from creating Requisitions (REQS) on an expired account. If you receive this message, check first to ensure that the purchase is allocable to the correct account and that the expiration date is correct.
If you're using a Contracts & Grants account, has the project been extended? If the project is continuing, confirm that an extension has been requested of the sponsor and, if so, edit the account to remove the expiration date. If the account has truly expired, purchasing supplies is not expected to occur.
Some items in e-SHOP may be reserved to be purchased through a single, preferred supplier. In these instances, the specific item will be blocked from being purchased from non-preferred suppliers. For example, the preferred supplier for toner is The Computing Center and, therefore, you will not be able to purchase it from W.B. Mason.
Procurement Services has requested that e-SHOP suppliers provide a confirmation of all orders via e-mail to the KFS initiator for all orders. You may also contact the vendor directly to make sure they have received your order. You should not contact the Helpline as we can only see that the order was transmitted. We cannot verify that the vendor received it.
You can find information about your e-SHOP orders in your e-SHOP action items. The Action Items box on the e-SHOP home page has a line called My Orders. Clicking on this link will give you a list of orders that have recently been placed. Clicking on the order will provide detailed order information.
Each =BSC has its own process for receiving verification. Please check with your BSC.
When a requisition is created from an e-SHOP cart, a user must not key in additional items, because this will cause the PO to fail.
The fields that will require your attention are the accounting line field, the commodity code field if it is not pre-filled, and your delivery address if you have not previously set the default.
The Explanation field is available for your business purpose. This field is populated with the information you entered in the e-SHOP Business Purpose field. You may edit this information on the KFS requisition.
Non-catalog suppliers are no longer available in e-SHOP. Simply create a standard KFS Requisition. In some instances, (e.g., Wegmans), a procurement card may be used; however, catering and individual travel are prohibited transactions for procurement cards.
Vendor notes entered in the Notes and Attachments tab on the requisition are not transferred to the PO in KFS at this time. If you have notes to the vendor, you should include the notes in the Notes to Vendor field or in the line-item description (character limit is 254 characters per line item). If the notes are greater than the 254 character limit, enter the notes on a document and include it in the Notes and Attachments tab as an attachment with the requisition and select Send to Vendor.
Please be aware that if you attach a document to the requisition, you must include a note with it. In addition to any note you want sent to the vendor, you should also use the note field to let Procurement Services know that you want the note and/or attachment to be transmitted to the vendor.
Yes, certain vendors have established minimum order requirements based on contract negotiations to get the best pricing for Cornell.
No, you cannot do this on your purchase order. The field is present on the requisition, but it is for informational purposes only. It is not transmitted to the vendor. If you want to stipulate a specific delivery date, you should contact the vendor directly and give them your delivery requirements.
A procurement card may be used to obtain goods at non-e-SHOP vendors, as limited by policy. To view transactions that are prohibited on a procurement card, please refer to the Prohibited Transactions page.
See the Procurement Card section of the Buying Manual (sections 202 and 300 – 307) for further information on procurement cards.
A KFS lookup tool is designated by a magnifying glass icon ().
In any KFS lookup screen, the best way to find information is to enter a keyword, e.g., tiger. In KFS, the wild card is an asterisk (*), and it is used in the search string. When searching, place an asterisk before and after the keyword(s) to find items that include the keyword(s), e.g., *tiger*. Remember that the less information entered into the search fields, the greater the search results.
Click the search button at the bottom of the page.
A list of results will appear at the bottom of the page. Click “return value” next to the item that you want, and the e-doc will be populated automatically. Note: If you get a lot of returned search results you can limit the amount by entering addition search criteria or keywords, e.g. *siberian tiger*.
If the commodity code does not automatically import into the requisition e-doc from e-SHOP, click the lookup button (the magnifying glass icon) in the commodity code field. The Commodity Code Lookup screen will appear. Use the directions above for searching in the Commodity Code Description field. When a list of possible commodity codes is returned, choose the one that most accurately describes the item being purchased. Be sure you click on Return Value and not the code itself.
To search for a vendor, click on the Vendor link in the Lookup and Maintenance e-docs section on the KFS Main Menu.
You can search for a partial vendor name by using a “wild card” search – place an asterisk (*) before and after the keyword. In addition, KFS allows you to search by an alias name that may be associated with the vendor.
Please make sure you select the correct vendor when there is a parent vendor and a division of the vendor (also referred to as child) returned in your search results. The parent has the vendor #xxxxx-0 and the divisions will have the same vendor number, but a different suffix, e.g. 12345-0 is the parent and the division is 12345-1, etc.
No, you may not amend an e-SHOP order. This will cause an error.
If the order is still in the requisition stage, you may cancel it yourself and create a new requisition to include the change.
If you wish to cancel the entire Purchase Order (PO), first, contact the vendor directly to let them know, then request that your BSC void the PO.
If you have already received part of your order and wish to cancel the remaining items on the PO, you must first contact the vendor directly to let them know, and then request that your BSC close the PO.
Note: If you need to change the account on your e-SHOP order, it must be done by the fiscal officer when the Payment Request routes to them for approval. If your order was placed via a standard PO, then the account can be changed via a POA, but the transmission method must be changed to “Do not send.”
The entire KFS address table is searchable by clicking the lookup tool (magnifying glass) in the delivery field of the KFS requisition.
If your building is not included in the building table, you can contact the Procurement Services Help Line at (607) 254-5300 to request that it be added to the table.
In the Delivery tab, click the lookup button (magnifying glass) on the “Building” field. The Building Lookup screen will open. Search for the Building Name. In the search results, click “return value” next to the correct building. The building name and address will be returned to the requisition e-doc. Room Number is also a required field. You must either enter the correct room number in the “Room Number” field, or use the lookup tool to search for the active room numbers in the building.
If the address chosen is the most frequent delivery address for you, click the “set as default” button to have this address entered automatically in each requisition e-doc that you generate. If you enter the room number prior to clicking the set as default button, the room number will be saved as part of the default address.
If the building you want is not found in the building lookup, click the “building not found” button, and enter it manually. Please be sure you have used the correct search techniques before you enter the address manually. This is important because many of Cornell’s suppliers receive their orders electronically and their systems look for the associated address codes. Use only a short search string with wildcards on either side of your keyword, e.g., to find buildings in the East Hill Plaza area use *east* or *east hill*.
Entering a free-formed address will often require the supplier to enter the order manually and may slow the shipment of products.
If your building is not included in the building table, you can contact the Procurement Services Help Line at (607) 254-5300 to request that it be added to the table.
The supplier must have products or services that can reside in a hosted catalog or punch-out site, and the technical capability to work with SciQuest. All e-SHOP suppliers must have a formal contract with the university prior to inclusion in the e-SHOP marketplace. These contracts are established either by competitive bidding or through negotiation with a Procurement Services strategic sourcing agent. In addition, the vendor must sell a high enough volume of products to warrant the time and expense required to set them up in e-SHOP, as well as meet the criteria established by the sourcing agent for that commodity. See a listing of agents and their commodities.
There are two types of vendors in KFS: Purchase order (PO) and disbursement voucher (DV) vendors.
Procurement and Payment Services staff members are the only individuals who set up PO vendors. To set up a PO vendor, Procurement needs the vendor’s contact information (the vendor's name, email address, physical address, attention name, city, state, zip code, and fax number). Please complete these fields in the Vendor tab on the Requisition e-doc. Additional contact information for the vendor, i.e., information for which fields do not exist in the Vendor tab, should be entered in the “Note Text Field” in the “Notes and Attachments” tab. This includes the telephone number and any other pertinent information.
Tip: Be sure to provide an email address for the vendor, because this is the best contact method for Procurement to use. If you do not provide an email address, the process may be delayed. Procurement may contact you for the email address or return the requisition to you so that you can enter that information.
For Domestic Vendors: Use the Automated Vendor Form (AVF) to request a new domestic DV vendor. Refer to the Automated Vendor Form Instructions for details. It is no longer acceptable practice for you to request a form W-9 from a domestic DV vendor unless Procurement tells you to do so.
For Foreign Vendors: Foreign vendors are not eligible to use the AVF at this time. Request the appropriate form W-8 from the vendor and set the vendor up manually. Refer to Vendor Registration and Setup for more details.