To ensure timely processing for FY24 year-end closing, units must submit transactions to the Shared Services Center by the following deadlines. Ensure your submissions are complete, accurate, and include the required supporting documentation. Incomplete and late requests may not be processed in time for year-end closing.
May 13: RFP/Bid specifications and list of vendors for formal requests.
May 28: Requisitions for orders totaling more than $500,000.
June 3:
June 10: Requisitions that require single/sole source justification forms that total $25,000 or more.
June 14:
June 21: Submit entries, as appropriate, that impact units outside your college/division.
June 27: Deposit all income for FY24 or drop off your checks to the SSC by June 27 for processing.
July 1: Purchase order invoices are due to Accounts Payable by 10:00 a.m. to be processed for FY24.
July 5: Last day for fiscal officers to adjust payment requests (PREQs) that post to FY24.
Cash Management:
If you have payments due to vendors before fiscal year-end, approve the e-doc(s) for these payments by June 25, 2024. We cannot guarantee e-docs approved after June 25, 2024 will be processed during this fiscal year.
We will be processing a large volume of wire transfers and ACHs, so to avoid a delay or rejection, please remember to include the vendor name, account number and SWIFT number for all wire payments, as well as the bank branch name and address if there is one.
Also see, Year-End Deadlines.
If you have any questions, please email us.