The Associate Vice President (AVP) and University Controller is responsible for leading the activities of the controller, namely maintaining adequate records of assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and other financial transactions of the university; establishing and maintaining effective internal control procedures; and preparing all necessary financial reports of an accounting nature.
The Controller is elected by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the President, and reports to the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, as the President designates, and serves at the pleasure of the President.
Departments reporting to the AVP and University Controller include the Associate Controller (responsible for Accounting and Financial Operations), the Shared Services Center, Student Health Benefits, Financial Information Services, Financial Research Administration (Sponsored Financial Services, and Cost Analysis and Capital Assets), the University Payroll Office, the University Tax Office, Procurement Services, Contract Management, and Financial Communications.
University Policies for which the University Controller is responsible.
Read more about the Associate Vice President and University Controller.