We will organize and establish practices so that technology use and data analysis are central to our planning and decision-making. Synergies and efficiencies will support financial applications and build skills in data analytics analysis, helping us achieve continuous, data-driven improvements and creating a strong foundation for all of our initiatives.
During this initiative, Financial Information Services (FIS) will seek opportunities to create efficiencies in our management of data and systems, develop skill sets and provide training to allow better support coverage and improve services.
Actionable Items
The following items are tasks performed during this initiative:
- Discuss opportunities for efficiencies within each DFA department.
- Identify job functions with data analytics or application support being performed outside FIS.
- Identify individuals performing those job functions and consider opportunities to reorganize responsibilities.
- Submit position descriptions for reclassification and compensation review, where necessary.
- Move individuals into FIS and communicate to DFA staff the strategy and the specifics of the reorganization.
- Where full-time reassignments are not possible, consider special interest groups and mentoring across the division.
Expected Outcomes
- Job skills necessary for success will be identified and professional development provided.
- Relationships between FIS and other DFA departments will be strengthened to support a business focus in the work done and the services offered.
- Support structures and services will be improved.