Your W-2 form contains information that can be used to steal your identity. You can protect your information from being lost or stolen, eliminate paper waste, and get your W-2 form faster each year by opting in to receive only electronic W-2 forms.
See IT@Cornell’s Tips to Keep Your Personal Identity Safe for more ways to prevent social security fraud and identity theft.
You only need to make this change once in Workday! After opting for electronic-only W-2 forms, you will never receive a paper document unless you change your options or leave Cornell employment. After you opt-in, you will receive an email notice when your W-2 form is available in Workday, and you won’t have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. Your form will be available to download and print anytime, as often as necessary.
To opt-in by December 31 to receive your W-2 forms electronically:
*If you have two locations listed under Company in the first table (for example, “Cornell Univ (NYS Colleges & Exper Sta)” and “Cornell University”) on the Tax Documents page, repeat steps 4 to 7 for both Companies listed.
If you choose to receive a printed copy of your W-2, confirm that your home address in Workday is correct or make the necessary changes by December 31.
If you have any questions, please contact Payroll.