The W-2 process has been completed as of January 13, 2021, and 2020 W-2s are now available in Workday! All students and employees may access their W-2s in Workday following the steps below.
1. Log in to Workday.
2. Select the Pay icon on the Workday home screen under Applications.
3. Select Tax Documents under My Documents.
4. Select View/Print in the Employee Copy column on the 2020 Tax Year line.
With this Workday feature, you can print your 2020 W-2 to file with your tax forms. If, at any time, you need an additional copy reprinted, follow these same steps.
If you elected to receive a paper W-2 in the mail, the file has been sent to the vendor for processing, and your 2020 W-2 will be mailed, to the address that you provided in Workday, the week of January 18. If you are expecting but do not receive your paper copy in the mail by January 31, please contact the payroll office at (607) 255-8828, or by email at
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Payroll at or call 255-8828.