The annual operating budget process determines an annual spending plan based on strategic objectives, known and anticipated revenues and expenses, and day-to-day operational costs of the unit.
The University Longview budget management tool will reflect a unit's expenditure plans for the next fiscal year, but ideally, a multiyear budget plan is in place.
The following service options are available for the annual budget:
- Budget Development (includes Budget Support): The SSC Financial Management & Reporting team will develop customer unit budgets (by account) in consultation with the units.
- The information the unit provides during this process should include any changes in strategic planning or planned initiatives; if there will be any large unplanned expenditures, changes in agreed-upon transfers or budgets; and new funding sources. In addition, the unit will inform us and administrative human resources of any staffing changes (reclassification, new hires, resignations, position refills, etc.).
- Financial Management & Reporting prepares an initial budget draft based on prior-year expenditures, strategic planning initiatives, or other planned changes. Once this is reviewed, discussed, and finalized with the unit, we will enter the budget into the university's budget system.
- Budget Support: The customer units develop and communicate their budgets (by account) and provides them to SSC Financial Management & Reporting team for entry into the university's budget system. We will validate entries are balanced; answer system-related inquiries from the University Budget Office; process budget adjustment e-docs in-year, as directed by the customer; and produce budget reports for customers.