DFA is pleased to announce that the monthly long-term investment pool (LTIP) data from FY 2012 through FY 2018 through December 2017 has been loaded to the Organization Financial Activity dashboard in OBIEE. You should find it much more efficient to run a query over multiple years and periods instead of opening a separate spreadsheet for each month! The dashboard query will replace the data that were being posted to the LTIP Share Management page. December 2017 will be the last month that will be available on the LTIP Share Management page. The LTIP data in spreadsheet form will remain on the page through the end of June 2018.
To access this query:
The query returns the LTIP account and name, LTIP unit value, LTIP fair value, historical dollar value, income account and name, and attributes of both the LTIP and income account including the sub-fund, sub-fund program, and higher-ed function code.
Fiscal year and fiscal period are required selectors for the query, and multiple fiscal year and period can be selected. Selections can also be made for a number of attributes including the college org name or org numbers, LTIP account number or income account number.
If searching by college, we recommend selecting the LTIP college org name. It is not necessary to select the LTIP org unless the college has multiple orgs for the LTIP account.
The LTIP data is available on the query beginning at FY 2012, the first year of the KFS implementation. Prior to FY 2012, the LTIP shares were calculated per individual transactions in the legacy general ledger system. During FY 2012 – 2013, the LTIP shares were managed in an Access Database system. Beginning in FY 2014, Cornell began using Fundriver, an endowment accounting software, to more effectively and efficiently manage the university's endowment in the LTIP.
Fundriver is not linked to KFS. DFA transfers a monthly file from Fundriver to the KDW warehouse for easy access to units, historical share and fair value information. The LTIP data file for a period after the Fundriver period has closed (approximately one month after the KFS period close).
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Page Anderson.