The Division of Financial Affairs (DFA) Strategic Plan is headed by the University Controller. This five-year plan took effect beginning January 2019. This plan is also available for download: DFA Five-Year Strategic Plan (PDF, 1.36 MB).
Six strategic initiatives support our goals and priorities.
We will use Lean Six Sigma (LSS) principles to implement an internal control plan guided by a risk and materiality assessment. DFA’s plan, with its tools, templates, and best practices, will guide units in implementing their own plans.
Unit-Specific Internal Control Plans
Each campus unit will implement an internal control plan, guided by risk and materiality assessments, based on DFA’s plan and using LSS principles.
Technology and Analytics Integration
We will organize DFA and establish practices so that technology use and data analysis are central to our planning and decision-making.
Center of Excellence for Training
We will establish a center to provide the skills and tools necessary to help Cornell staff members perform their daily financial activities and implementing new internal control strategies.
We will form a cross-functional team to analyze data and implement strategies to simplify the procure-to-pay process while providing appropriate stewardship and control mechanisms.
We will collaborate with Weill Cornell Medicine and Cornell Tech in support of the presidential priority of being One Cornell.