Budget - Cost Share PROF level |
Expense |
9922 |
Budget use only: Plan for Professional Cost Share. |
Budget - Cost Share ACAD Level |
Expense |
9918 |
Budget use only: Plan for Academic Cost Share. |
Budget - CG Unexpended - DFS Use Only |
Expense |
6925 |
DFS Use Only- Contract and grant funds that are authorized but unexpended. Provides reporting on how much units/faculty have not spent. |
Budget - CG Participant Support Costs |
Expense |
6915 |
Budget C&G: Used to budget Participant Support Costs for sponsored agreements. Use: Budget only. |
Budget - CG Limitation of Funds |
Expense |
6905 |
Budget C&G: Used to record limitations of funding by an agency/sponsor. The line item budget is entered as proposed and the limitation is recorded as a negative on 6905. i.e. We may budget $500,000, but the agency may only award $350,000 at this time and then provide the $150,000 at a future date. |
Budget - CG Frozen Funds |
Expense |
9135 |
Budget use only. Used to record prior year unobligated balance of a sponsored agreement's account. Spending of this prior year unobligated balance is prohibited until approval is received from the funding agency. |
Budget - Capital Expense |
Expense |
3995 |
Budget - Benefits - CCTS - Undergraduate |
Expense |
5940 |
Budget use only: Plan for CCTS related to Undergraduate expenses. |
Budget - Allowances Min Benefits (JRA) |
Expense |
5455 |
Budget use only. Auto use and other allowances. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Budget - Additional Comp Min Benefits |
Expense |
5452 |
Budget use only. Additional compensation (severance, work separate from duties) and other items. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate %. |
Budget - Academic- Visiting Faculty/Lect |
Expense |
5095 |
Budget use only: Salary for all visiting academics. Min fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Budget - Academic- Summer Salary |
Expense |
5080 |
Budget use only: Salary for summer program faculty for benefits-eligible employees (retirement benefits accrue). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Budget - Academic- Faculty Salary |
Expense |
5090 |
Budget use only: Salary for all academics. Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Budget - Academic Other SIP |
Expense |
5491 |
Budget use only. |
Budget - Academic - Professional |
Expense |
5190 |
Budget use only for Salary for various academic professionals |
Books |
Asset |
1850 |
Asset, balance represents capitalized acquisition value of university's cataloged library books Use: Used periods 1-13, auto generated entry when certain capital acquisition objects (level CAPA) are used on PREQs, FP docs or feed files |
Bonds Payable |
Liability |
2110 |
To record liability related to External Bond Debt - Financial Statements Bonds and Notes Payable Use: External Bond Debt Only |
Bond Premium Interest |
Expense |
6928 |
Monthly interest related to the amortization of Premiums associated with the issuance of External Bond Debt. DFS Plant Accounting and WCMC Use Only. |
Bond Premium |
Liability |
2140 |
Deferment of Bond Premium costs over the life of the debt. The expense is amortized monthly. Used to Record deferment of Bond Premium related to External bond Debt. |
Bond Issuance Costs Interest |
Expense |
6929 |
Monthly interest related to the amortization of Issuance Costs associated with the issuance of External Bond Debt. DFS Plant Accounting and WCMC Use Only. |