SUNY Spec - Equip L/T Threshold |
Expense |
6940 |
Expenditures, for items of movable equipment other than computers, software, vehicles, and furniture, that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 502X. Use: SUNY only |
Depreciation - Vehicles |
Expense |
6304 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Services - Royalties |
Expense |
6623 |
Expenditures for royalty payments Use: Royalty expense is derived from the purchase of an asset, intellectual property or copyrighted materials. |
Transfer Out - to General Reserves |
Expense |
8045 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a General Reserve (RVGENL) account. |
Travel - Federal Unallowable |
Expense |
6780 |
Expenditures for travel and subsistence that are classified as nonrecoverable according to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200). Use: Alcohol, travel upgrade, etc. |
Interdept CIT - Telephone Equipment |
Expense |
6116 |
Telephone/data related equipment from CIT. Use: CIT only |
Supplies - Farm and Garden |
Expense |
6510 |
Expenditures for farm and garden supplies and materials, including fertilizer, pesticides, and seed. Use: External vendors of farm and garden supplies and materials, including fertilizer, pesticides, and seed. |
Interdept - Postage |
Expense |
6644 |
Interdepartmental expenditures for postage services. Cornell providers only. Use: Cornell mail services |
Employee Ben - Contract Coll-CU Provide |
Expense |
5620 |
Contract College maximum fringe rate benefit charges. see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Intersession - Athletics Expenses |
Expense |
6380 |
Expenditures for meals, for participants in a sponsored Athletics activity. Use: Use limited to the Athletics Department. |
Capital Asset Adjustment |
Expense |
3760 |
SYSTEM USE ONLY. Used when previously retired asset records are reintroduced to CAM. |
Extension Association - Skilled Trades |
Expense |
5260 |
CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION USE ONLY. Salary for NYS Extension Association skilled trades (printing, farm workers). Max fringe rate -- see KFS Labor Distribution Table Labor Benefits Calculation table for fringe rate % |
Health Insurance - Other Grad Assist |
Expense |
8640 |
Payment of the student health insurance premium and health fee for CU graduate assistantships other than GRAs. Normally paid via the Student Financial System (PeopleSoft). Excludes other fees for GAs, fellows, professional and non-degree students. Use: graduate assistantship health insurance premium and fee. |
Cost Share - RMID |
Expense |
9950 |
Cost Share object code for RMID level. System use only. |
SUNY Spec - Furniture |
Expense |
6945 |
Expenditures for furnishings that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 503X. Use: SUNY only |
Cost Share - RCMT |
Expense |
9951 |
Cost Share object code for ACXP level. System use only. |
SUNY Spec - Artwork |
Expense |
6960 |
Expenditures, for the purchase of objects of art and similar items, that are under $500 yet required to be classified as equipment to qualify for state equipment funds. Use this code rather than 508X Use: SUNY only |
Depreciation - Computers |
Expense |
6306 |
Allowable decrease in value of property or equipment. Use: Use limited to the Division of Financial Affairs. |
Services - Medical and Health Care |
Expense |
6624 |
Expenditures for medical services provided by outside vendors. Use: Contractual agreements with medical providers to cover students medical needs off campus. i.e Cornell in Washington. Any medical expenses related to travel should be coded to travel, 6750/6760. |
Transfer Out - to Faculty Renewal Resvs |
Expense |
8046 |
Used in the operating (GNxxxx) account providing funds to a Faculty Renewal Reserve (RVFCTY) account. |